Friday, August 2, 2024

Intelligence agencies seek to use info manipulation to rig election for Harris, distract from imperial system’s collapse

So far in the quest by the liberal fascists to make sure their favored puppet wins the election, we’ve seen Washington’s political police do things that are predictable given its recent history. This police force’s preferred strategy is informational manipulation, so that’s what it’s doing again. Like how the intelligence apparatus suppressed the Hunter Biden laptop story in October of 2020 by telling big tech to conceal it, now the same pattern is appearing. Right after Kamala Harris became the presumptive nominee, Amazon took down Caleb Maupin’s book Kamala Harris and the Future of America, and only put it back up when it became apparent that this had brought great new attention to the work. We’re seeing “neutral” news outlets, like the Associated Press, put out headlines that are designed to defend Harris. There are propaganda pieces crafted to make it seem like Harris is some sort of wonderfully charismatic leader, trying to recapture the psyop power which Obama had. 

Then there are manipulations that you can’t even pick up on unless you have certain knowledge. When Biden stepped down, the story by Seymour Hersh about how Obama had threatened to use the 25th Amendment to force him out got spread around social media. Yet when you type “Obama pushed Biden out” into a typical western search engine, nothing about Hersh’s reporting comes up. It’s a black hole of information, filled with random articles that have to do with Biden and Obama but don’t talk about this important recent development. It was only by seeking out links which people have posted on their own that I could find one of the major source articles for the Obama story, with Russia’s Sputnik being the outlet where this is featured. 

Given that Sputnik and other sites from Washington’s geopolitical target countries are blacklisted by big tech, this isn’t surprising. But why is the suppression so severe this time? Haven’t stories by Hersh been able to gain far more western media attention in the past, like when he confirmed Biden blew up Nord Stream? It’s clear that the only reason why these imperialist news outlets talked about the Nord Stream story is that they had no choice other than to try to discredit it. When a story like this isn’t able to get enough traction independently from the imperialist media, these outlets can comfortably ignore it. As long as the U.S. public isn’t sufficiently aware of something the imperial state doesn’t want reported on, the response from the propagandists is to act like it doesn’t exist.

Their incentive for hiding the Obama story is that it lets them maintain the illusion of this Harris development being an organic one. They can’t have the people thinking that Harris got the nomination through backroom activities, and they can’t have us thinking Biden had to be forced to do the sensible thing. It all has to look like the logical outcome of “democracy,” even though the Democratic Party stopped a primary from happening. And as the election managers intensify their efforts to get Harris in, they’re going to do all they can to keep up this image of a healthy and normal electoral process. That’s why narrative manipulation is what they want to do above all else: it’s the election meddling trick that’s easiest to hide, especially when you control the flow of information. 

What happens if their present strategy becomes inadequate, though? If events external to the election—like our imminent economy’s decline or the conflicts that imperialism is instigating—create new narrative threats in the vein of the Nord Stream story? The discourse around elections is easy for the intelligence agencies to control, because our elections are fake anyhow. But our ruling class is increasingly unable to influence what happens in economics and geopolitics.

It’s this growing crisis within the imperial system that our revolutionary organizations can use to seize control of the narrative, and render monopoly finance capital unable to use this election for its benefit. The narrative managers can’t censor away the lived experiences of the country’s people, whose living conditions continue to be hurt by inflation in a downturn that will keep getting worse throughout this election cycle. Crucial towards turning this into a gain for the class struggle, and a weakening of capital, is advancing the anti-imperialist cause. We need to draw attention to how Washington has already lost its Ukraine proxy war, and how this represents a victory for the global forces that are resisting international monopoly capital. We must make it impossible for the empire to narratively justify its plans for backing “Israel” in the escalating war with Lebanon, exposing the Zionist entity’s inhuman torture and ongoing mass murder. 

Waging the information war against these imperialist activities, as well as building up the organizations that can bring the broad masses into the struggle against empire, is instrumental in bringing the proletarian side to victory. As the World Anti-Imperialist Platform has concluded, the geopolitical conflict that’s happening right now is one between the imperialists and the workers, and the workers can absolutely win it:

World War 3 has started in Eastern Europe and spread through the Middle East to East Asia. World War 1 was an inter-imperialist war, World War 2 was a global anti-fascist war, and World War 3 is a global anti-imperialist war…The world is rapidly dividing into anti-imperialism and imperialism, justice and injustice. As historical experience proves, the final victory of the anti-imperialist camp, with not only its political and ideological superiority but now also military superior position, is certain. As in the history of the last world war, there may be twists and turns along the way, but today’s global cataclysmic period will be driven by the “unity of the proletariat of the world” and the “struggle of the united people” to move beyond the great transition period and into a great heightened period, we are going to keep pushing forward on the path where proletariat and people will become the masters of the regime and the means of production.

This is the outcome that all the maneuvers of the ruling class and their intelligence centers are focused around trying to prevent. The main battle these reactionary forces are fighting at this moment is one where they seek to suppress ideas which challenge liberal fascism, so that they can install their ideal liberal fascist candidate Harris. If successful in this, they’ll use Harris as a tool for furthering the culture wars, pitting the “woke” wing of the color revolution apparatus against the “anti-woke” wing. Throughout this time, the liberal fascists also plan to intensify their more direct means of political policing, with them hoping to convict the Uhuru 3 on the third of September. 

When these Black revolutionaries go to trial on that day, either the anti-imperialist cause will have a great victory; or liberal fascism will successfully make these targets into political prisoners, while creating the precedent needed for criminalizing the pro-Palestine movement. It depends on how good a job we do at mobilizing for Uhuru in this next month. 

Whatever happens, we need to use this and all the other evils of our ruling class to help bring the people into this struggle. The empire’s managers are scrambling to keep things under control. The U.S. is warning “Israel” not to invade Lebanon, knowing the blowback would be too big. The genocide has made Zionism lose the narrative war, and Washington is trying to prevent the ever-likelier creation of a Palestinian state. The slow collapse of the U.S. and European economies continues, threatening to provoke resistance towards NATO from the workers. We must push forward on every front of this class and geopolitical conflict, taking advantage of all the ways our enemies can’t dominate the situation. Then their psyops around the election will be made ineffective.


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