Monday, January 13, 2025

In Ukraine, Russia has defeated Nazism again, & this time the Hitlerites won’t be able to recover

It’s fitting how the Biden White House, this era’s great experiment in liberal fascism, is now ending with the failure of its final attempt to rescue Ukraine’s Nazi regime. In November, when the Biden administration gave Kiev approval to launch ATACMS missiles into Russia, the hope was that this would paralyze Russia; instead, it ended up backfiring on the fascist and imperialist forces. All Russia needed to do was start testing its new Oreshnik missiles, and it could prevent both a nuclear confrontation and a triumph for the Hitlerites. Kiev and NATO were forced to internalize the message these tests sent: that their opponent would not back down. 

This means Zelensky’s government must now face all the costs of its self-destructive military actions from these last three years; without the option of strong-arming Russia through wild missile maneuvers, Kiev has to keep trying to win on the ground, which was never realistic for it. Kiev’s Kursk offensive has done exactly what honest observers expected it to do, and strategically weakened Ukraine to the effect that Russia keeps taking more territories. The dual failures of the ATACMS plan and the Kursk plan have confirmed that Russia’s triumph cannot be reversed, not even if Zelensky’s camp succeeds in sabotaging negotiations. 

In fact, undermining peace efforts is another mistake by the “Ukrainiacs.” Because the longer the war continues, the worse of a place the pro-imperialist side will become; Russia has already overwhelmed NATO’s arms supply, as well as won the economic war. So as the new cold warriors work to prevent any viable peace deal, they’ll continue to face an opponent that’s fundamentally better-equipped for this fight than the imperialist camp is. The Banderites will never realize their goal of ethnically cleansing the Donbass, and the imperialists will never undo the transition to multipolarity; even their recent tactical victory in Syria has sped up multipolarity’s rise by funneling Washington’s resources into another quagmire, putting China in a better strategic position.

The forces of monopoly finance capital must now shift towards new fronts in their warfare, and work around the reality that Eurasia will define the globe’s economic future. And one of the tactics these forces have chosen is to weaponize the far right within the United States, like they’ve weaponized it in Ukraine. Except when our ruling class promotes Hitlerism in the USA, it needs to do so in a different fashion; the goal here is not to make the Hitlerites into a physical fighting force, like they are in Ukraine, but rather to use them for discourse manipulation. If the capitalist state were to make the far right into its main tool for violent counterrevolutionary terror, this would expose the state’s Nazistic nature; the ultraviolent leftists are a better tool for that purpose. The goal behind promoting Hitlerism in the modern United States is to redirect anti-establishment sentiments away from class conscious ideas, creating counter-gangs that can undermine any genuine anti-imperialist movements.

This is what we’re seeing with the rise of figures who claim to be Palestinian allies, but talk about Palestine through the framework of the “Jewish question.” These discourse actors have been getting heavily boosted by the algorithms, because they’re who the imperial state prefers to be the face of the pro-Palestine cause. This is one function of the Hitlerites: to isolate the anti-Zionist struggle. Another function is to mislead the many conservatives and independents who’ve been growing disillusioned with MAGA. The deep state is promoting the far right so that it can pick up the MAGA supporters which have begun to revolt against Trump and Musk, allowing for dissent to be managed during the country’s more turbulent new era. But if we can expose the far right’s deep state connections—which have been made highly apparent by the CIA’s Banderite project—then we’ll be able to disrupt this psyop.

Within the arc of global history, the Hitlerites and their offshoots have already lost in a way that they can’t recover from. As the Banderites continue to see their state collapse, they’ll be able to fall back on roles within the U.S. deep state, like the original Nazis did after their own defeat. But in the 21st century, U.S. global leadership is on the decline, which means the weapons of the Hitlerites have been weakened; they may still be in control of NATO, and backed by the three-letter agencies, but these institutions will never again have the power that they had right after World War II. At this point, the best way the imperial state can use the Hitlerites is by setting them up as wreckers within the anti-Zionist movement, thereby enabling the genocidal campaigns Washington is carrying out across West Asia. 

As this extermination effort continues, and the empire keeps working to destabilize the globe, the U.S. Hitlerites will try to distance themselves from all of this; Nick Fuentes, the main leader of the Nazi “groyper” movement, has postured as being not just anti-Zionist but also anti-NATO. This is how he and the other groypers are trying to maintain the illusion that they’re dissidents. What communists must do is point out why the groypers can’t be separated from the Banderites; why no matter how much the American “dissident right” claims to be anti-imperialist, it’s as much of a CIA tool as Ukraine’s Azov Nazis are. 

These two factions of the far right can’t be separated because both of them come from the National Socialist ideology, which monopoly finance capital supported in order to combat communism. As the Christian Science Monitor reported right after the Third Reich began in 1933, U.S. finance capital viewed the Nazis as a useful ally in the fight against the international workers movement: “The Communist threat of a general strike in Berlin as result of the Nazi cabinet being so bitterly opposed by the more radical elements, was watched in international banking quarters with keen interest. There was a tendency to take an optimistic view, however. Prominent banking quarters in Wall Street were particularly pleased with the prospect of the return of Dr. Schacht as head of the Reichsbank.” (Hjalmar Schacht being the former head of the central bank, and a favored figure within Wall Street and London.) 

It’s common knowledge that major elements of U.S. finance capital, including the Bush family, funded Hitler’s rise; and this report confirms that Wall Street was glad to see this project succeed. The far right has tried to put forth a counter-narrative to this by asserting that Wall Street also funded the Bolshevik revolution; but the basis for this story is so flimsy, it’s totally incomparable to the massive evidence for Hitler’s Wall Street ties. Like the “Holodomor” lie, it’s not something that the Hitlerites (and their liberal ideological enablers) can argue for in an honest way. We need to be debating with those who promote Nazi propaganda like the Holodomor; we need to be exposing the history which proves Hitlerism’s alignment with Wall Street; we need to combat the ahistorical JQ nonsense, and promote class struggle as the true path forward. 

The Russian people have won the first half of this century’s fight against fascism; the other half will be won by the global communist movement and its allies. We face a liberal fascist deep state that’s now using Hitlerite LARPers as its foremost narrative tools; we’ll defeat these forces by winning the masses to the side of class struggle.


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