Thursday, October 10, 2024

The Elon Musk psyop, & how it’s letting the deep state manage anti-establishment sentiments

The manipulation being carried out by Elon Musk—or rather by the intelligence forces which control him—is one where an ostensibly dissident movement has been captured by technocratic elites. Where a billionaire who serves U.S. foreign policy, and is connected to the deep state, has sold himself as an agent for change. Musk has been doing this for a long time; prior to when MAGA even existed, he was representing himself as a figure of great scientific progress, with his target audience being people with an interest in technology and cosmology. The idea he conveyed was that monopolies can “save humanity,” which is a lie that he’s now pushing on the conservative base. Supposedly by taking control of Twitter, he’s rescued free speech, and thereby allowed the people to defeat the deep state.

The reality is that the intelligence centers are as much in control of Twitter as ever, and are using Musk to advance their designs. This new version of the Elon Musk psyop, where his capitalist saviorism has been fused with anti-woke cultural crusading, is primarily about controlling MAGA. Which makes it a covert tool for the pro-Harris wing of the ruling class. Should Trump be elected, the Musk psyop will certainly be used to pull the new president in a more pro-establishment direction, but that’s not the deep state’s ideal plan. The preferred outcome is for Musk’s influence to make MAGA more culture war-focused and insular, reducing Trump’s ability to appeal towards independents. This, the narrative managers hope, is what will make the election-rigging attempts successful, and let the intelligence centers install Harris.

So far, this method is working, because Trump’s team has gladly accepted the “help” from Musk. Musk is using his vast platform to boost the Trump campaign, yet the intelligence centers don’t truly view this as a threat to their plans, because they’ve made no effort to impede his efforts. There are certain wings of the deep state that back Trump, and certainly they have some involvement in this; but the main intelligence forces that engage with Twitter are not the ones which favor Trump. Instead, they’re the forces that work to censor content which challenges the pro-Ukraine narratives, which means they’re aligned with the pro-Harris wing. This is the nature of the trick: the dominant wing of monopoly capital is propping up a smaller monopolist wing, and marketing it as a revolutionary vehicle.

There are figures within Trump’s circle, like RFK Jr, who would try to push Trump towards leaving NATO if they got the opportunity to. The problem is that they’re increasingly being sidelined in favor of the Elon Musk wing. And this makes the pro-imperialist aspects of their agenda all the more damaging; if RFK is aggressively promoting Zionism while opposing NATO, and he can’t seriously threaten NATO, then in the end you’re simply left with the Zionism. Then RFK’s impact has merely been to poison our discourse with a murderous colonial ideology, while presenting false hope for defeating the establishment.

We know that RFK’s faction is getting sidelined because as the campaign has gone on, we’ve seen Trump spend less time giving RFK’s anti-NATO ideas a platform. The focus has ever more been on anti-wokeness, leaving less room for foreign policy, economic development, or the other issues that Trump has put a greater emphasis on during other times. There isn’t a desire to unite the country’s people around re-industrializing the country, which weakens Trump as a candidate.

Beyond making things easier for Harris, or keeping MAGA under deep state control, the Elon Musk psyop’s purpose is to take away the right’s interest in an antiwar movement. In the last year, as the conversation has mainly been about Palestine rather than about Ukraine, the narrative managers have used Twitter to help neutralize conservative antiwar sentiments. Part of this propaganda effort has involved promoting Zionism, which Musk consistently does. The other part has involved promoting an anti-Zionism that’s based within anti-Jewish sentiments; and Musk’s Twitter has been an enormously useful tool for pushing the latter. 

These days on Twitter, people get rewarded for Hitler-posting; the influencers who preach the “Jewish question” get boosted, and Musk doesn’t even need to “signal boost” their content in order for it to get mass exposure. Given the times that Musk has boosted this content, he can be considered an anti-Jewish Zionist, like many of the other far-right figures who Netanyahu’s government has built connections with. The ties between Musk’s Twitter and the Zionist entity’s intelligence agencies are what most clearly prove that everything Twitter pushes is in service of the Five Eyes network. Even earlier than October 7, Musk was making deals with assets for the entity’s Shin Bet intelligence center; the company facilitating Musk’s Twitter verification system was founded by former officers for the agency.

This shows that the Zionist entity views it as favorable for JQers to be the main anti-Zionist voices, since that makes anti-Zionism easier to argue against. It also creates apathy and confusion among conservatives with a proto anti-imperialist consciousness; it encourages them to spend time online boosting JQ accounts, instead of engaging with the real world. Through Musk, the genocidal settler state of “Israel” is flaming the same anti-Jewish bigotry that it claims to be so concerned about. 

In tandem with the American deep state, “Israeli” intelligence is working to manage pro-Palestine sentiments, redirecting Palestine supporters towards reactionary conspiracies. Zionism has always depended on anti-Jewish bigotry, and reactionary states have a history of spreading such bigotry in order to blunt class consciousness. During the social media age, Musk is a major conduit for these kinds of propaganda campaigns.

How to respond to the successes of the Elon Musk, anti-woke, and JQ psyops? Firstly, we need to understand that our class enemies have been using all of these different narrative weapons in reaction to a great rise of proto-revolutionary consciousness. The bulk of opposition towards the war in Syria has come from the MAGA base; this has translated into the conservative base hating NATO’s proxy war against Russia. On the left, there’s been a comparably disruptive development, with the mobilizations for Palestine largely coming from the elements focused on social justice. Many times, the narrative managers have been able to manipulate both of these ideological camps into supporting U.S. foreign policy; yet they’re increasingly taking paths which threaten the war machine, rebelling in their own ways against the wrongs that they see our government committing.

There’s much confusion among these elements, and many contradictory beliefs; many on the right oppose NATO but not “Israel,” while many on the left oppose “Israel” while backing Ukraine. Our ruling institutions are working to deepen this confusion, for instance by telling anti-Zionist conservatives that the source of the problem is a Jewish conspiracy. It doesn’t matter how substantial these obstacles are; we simply have no other choice than to work among the masses, and to bring our class analysis to them. 

I don’t disregard any facts about the situation we’re facing. I recognize how the psyops targeting the right have been effective enough to steer MAGA in a more pro-establishment direction, and how this development has potential to make Harris “win.” I see how our ruling class is in place to vastly intensify its repression following this election. I also haven’t forgotten about the myriad of developments, both domestic and abroad, that have given us opportunities for bringing the struggle forward.


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