Saturday, September 14, 2024

The inter-civilizational development project we need, & how monopoly capital is trying to prevent it

Above: diagram of the World Landbridge, as featured on

One of the biggest concerns of Kamala Harris—or rather of the deep state handlers who determine everything Harris says and does—is to prevent industrial development in the Arctic parts of U.S. territory. A great opportunity has appeared for joint growth projects between the U.S. and Russia, which threatens both the project at instigating cold war escalations and the dominance of the American ultra-monopolies. So the Harris wing of our ruling class aims to stop Alaskan infrastructural and economic growth projects by any means necessary, including violently interfering in the 2024 election.

Because of global warming, the easternmost part of Russia has been undergoing a great economic boom. The more hospitable environment has opened up unprecedented new possibilities for growth in that part of the world; except whereas Russia is taking advantage of this opportunity, the United States is not. Russia is a country that’s been seeking to build its economic strength back up since the Soviet Union fell, and catastrophe befell its people. Its leaders have every reason to pursue growth. The dominant wing of the U.S. ruling class, though, is working to degrow the country’s economy. Its monopoly capitalist system is experiencing a crisis of overproduction that’s worse than any past one, and to alleviate this crisis, the economy must be downsized.

An imperialist country in the later stages of its collapse is one that keeps itself sick; that sacrifices its own people’s material wellbeing for the sake of keeping profits up. But a country like Russia, which is free from the domination of international monopoly capital, does what’s economically rational and healthy. What the USA’s people need to do is overthrow our monopolist dictatorship, and replace it with a workers state that plans the economy in a collectively beneficial fashion. The monopolists are frightened that we’ll assert our interests in this way, so they’re using their political police to try to keep things on the present path. This means both targeting the political left with propaganda about how growth, nuclear energy, and Russia should be hated; as well as plotting new sabotages of the democratic process, aiming to install the deep state’s favored candidate Kamala Harris.

Within the view of the world that these anti-Russia and anti-growth psyops promote, it would be “fascist” for the U.S. to collaborate with Russia on development. All the objectively beneficial things that such a partnership would bring—a land bridge between Russia and Alaska, peace between the two countries, greater prosperity on both sides—are viewed as “reactionary.” This is because within leftist dogma, Russia can’t ever be anything more than a reactionary force. This dogma hyper-focuses on the country’s social policies, ignoring how the political character of today’s Russia has been fundamentally influenced by a struggle for sovereignty from monopoly capital. Russia is not reducible to Putin, who’s himself been simplified into a villain caricature by this narrative; Russia is a dynamic, multi-faceted society with many different forces (including communists) influencing its state’s policies. It’s because of this complexity that its liberal elements have been overwhelmed, and been unable to turn Russia back into a U.S. client state or prevent the anti-fascist military operation.

It’s crucial for communists in the United States to have this nuanced view of Russia, because when we take power, it will be our responsibility to relate to Russia in an intelligent way. We’ll only be able to achieve the economic growth we need if we’re willing to partner with Russia and China. And we’ll only be able to win power in the first place if we act serious about combating the Harris wing’s psyops. The liberals want Marxists to tail them, and to act like being pro-Russia is inherently right-wing. We need to reject this lie, and advance the project for inter-civilizational development.

The other argument the liberal oligarchs use against industrial cooperation with Eurasia, and against growth in general, is that it will exacerbate the climate crisis. This is a cover for their agenda of destroying the people’s energy sources, and forcing us into an age of rolling blackouts. Nuclear energy is the solution; it’s what will let us build and prosper in an ecologically sustainable way. The monopolists want to prevent nuclear from rising, because this would ruin their degrowth effort; the path they want is for fossil fuel to be reduced, without any adequate alternative to replace it. So nuclear energy has been declining in the imperialist countries, while growing in Russia, China, and the Global South. In the future that we’ll build upon gaining power, North America will follow Eurasia in constructing a nuclear grid that can support our joint infrastructural projects. The super-rich are terrified of this future, so they’re doing all they can to sabotage efforts at bringing such progress.

Trump is not an anti-imperialist, but monopoly capital views him as somebody who will frustrate their efforts at holding back history. The neocon political actors have overwhelmingly endorsed Harris in part because Harris can be trusted to escalate within Korea, and also because Harris would consistently advance the degrowth agenda. Trump intends to increase oil drilling in Alaska; which is obviously bad for the climate, but also something that would increase industrial development within an area right next to Russia. More industry in Alaska means more momentum towards economic cooperation between Russia and the USA. For this reason, the deep state is working to rig the election for the Democrats, like it did last time.

We’ll absolutely see the Harris wing act to suppress information that harms the Harris campaign; it’s likely this wing has already done so. We can also expect the deep state to instigate political violence that justifies crackdowns, and orchestrate sting operations that influence the narratives around the election. These are all things the feds did in 2020. In 2024, though, we’ve seen them escalate their war on the democratic process. This was the year when the FBI enabled massive Secret Service failures during a key moment, and let a shooting happen that would have killed Trump if he’d turned his head a half-second later. The media has put this story into the memory hole, but that’s how close we came to the country becoming destabilized. Will the feds try this again? I doubt it, since that would create too much suspicion. But they’ll likely try something equally desperate, and at least as violent. 

The super-rich see a new world approaching, one that they won’t have a role in. So they’re scrambling to keep the United States from becoming a country that joins with the Eurasian economy. If they find themselves out of options, they’ll sacrifice the United States itself for the sake of this goal, engineering a societal collapse. We must overthrow them, and bring about the bright future that they fear.


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