Wednesday, September 11, 2024

The dystopian goals behind the Kamala Harris psyop, & the mass mobilization we need to thwart these goals

Presenting Kamala Harris as a great figure of progress is how our ruling elites aim to disguise their next assaults on the USA’s people, and on the world as a whole. Monopoly capital’s immediate plans are to install Harris, provoke new culture war battles, and crack down on dissent. The next goal is to instigate a new big war, with the chosen opponent in all likelihood being China. That way, U.S. capitalism’s unprecedented crisis of overproduction can be alleviated. But because we’re at such a late stage within capitalist collapse, sacrificing millions of lives isn’t going to be enough to keep the machine running. The elites also seek to degrow the economy, much more than they already have; Caleb Maupin describes the society the super-rich are creating as a “low-wage police state,” its living standards made worse while its government gets more violent and punitive. This dystopian paradigm is the outcome of where our ruling class is going ideologically. Of the anti-human worldview that the elites embrace, wherein it’s seen as the optimal strategy to expand global destruction and death.

This is the character of the ideology that’s driven the Ukraine psyop: an obsession with destroying the perceived bad guys, even if this means facilitating a modern-day Nazi terror campaign. Now that Zionism’s collapse has been made unavoidable, and Washington’s Ukraine maneuver has backfired, the empire seeks to pivot towards unleashing evils upon the rest of the globe. The neocon think tanks, whose political operatives are overwhelmingly supporting Harris, have concluded that the right maneuver now is to wage a hybrid war against BRICS. This has everything to do with the Harris campaign’s embrace of anti-immigrant politics, because the more successful the war on the BRICS countries is, the more people are going to be displaced. 

Within the outlook that liberalism promotes, where human beings are seen as disposable, this genocide against the Global South will matter no more than the Gaza genocide matters to liberals right now. Sure, we’re still seeing liberals use the old justifications for supporting an imperialist party, like stopping Trump or “defending human rights.” But the thing I’ve been increasingly noticing since the Ukraine war escalated in February of 2022, and the empire’s unraveling thereby accelerated, is a tendency for the most honest liberals to revel in inflicting bloodshed and pain. This has come through in the kinds of race essentialist rhetoric that Ukraine’s ruling Banderite fascists use, and that have thereby been sanctioned by the liberals who these Banderites ally with. Calling Russian people “orcs,” using the Nazi rallying cry “Slava Ukraini,” and discriminating against ethnic Russians have all become far more normal due to the actions of today’s supposed progressives. It’s the hateful impulses behind the pro-imperialist ideology coming to reveal themselves, despite all the veneers of altruism and enlightenment which liberal interventionists put up.

The proxy war against Russia, which will carry on in the form of terror attacks as Ukraine’s collapse continues, shows how our ruling class takes pleasure in causing harm. Even though the terrorism does nothing to reverse Russia’s victory, what matters is that the imperialists get to hurt somebody. This is the coping strategy that liberalism will use as Zionism comes to an end, and Palestine inevitably gains statehood: present the United States as a humanitarian friend to the Palestinians, while escalating the wars against the Global South, east Asia, and the American people themselves. Blinken has said that the U.S. will cut off funding to the World Food Program if Palestine gets recognized as a state, amounting to a threat of engineered global famine. The empire managers know that a free Palestine is coming, and that the world has turned against “Israel.” So they’re hoping to punish the world for Zionism’s downfall, with Harris seen as the optimal puppet for exacting this revenge scheme. 

We can already see Harris preparing to retroactively claim the United States was always an ally of the Palestinians, while intensifying the attacks against all the peoples the empire is capable of attacking. Harris is feigning desire to end the assault on Gaza (which she still refuses to call a genocide), while presenting herself as the one who can be trusted to escalate with countries like the DPRK. This genocide will end in spite of the liberals, not because of them; and when it does, they’ll take the credit for it while redirecting the empire’s violence towards other targets.

Within the empire’s core, this next phase of the war will manifest as a campaign to purge anti-imperialists. To start treating every pro-Palestine, antiwar organization the same way the U.S. government has treated the Uhuru org. This effort at suppressing dissent will involve censorship, as Harris has shown by complaining about how social media platforms lack a consistent standard for content policing. Such online crackdowns will partly have the purpose of keeping the public unaware of what their government is doing; of how their freedoms are being taken away. The imperial state seeks to prevent the bulk of the masses from learning about Uhuru, or about the other targets within this purge, because the broad masses represent a threat towards the state’s rule. The drivers of this war rely on their enemies being isolated, and lacking connection with the people. That way, the political ideology which wins out will be liberal fascism. 

This kind of fascism isn’t just about actively supporting the empire, it’s also about willful apathy; about being passive amid genocide, or the destruction of our liberties, because taking action would mean handing a win to the perceived enemies. The important thing is to crush the Russians, or the third party voters, or the working masses who are seen as backward. This is the petty and small mindset that the Democratic Party seeks to cultivate. It won’t make the state’s counterinsurgency succeed, though, if we put forth a counter to it. If we rally the broad masses towards anti-imperialist activities, injecting our message of hope, optimism, and justice into the discourse. We’re surrounded by potential allies; should we present a positive vision for the future, a program for replacing our bleak neoliberal present, these friends-in-waiting will receive us warmly.

We should not react to liberal fascism’s attacks by retreating into the movement. We need to do the opposite, and embrace the people. This mass-centered mindset is crucial to building a force that can defeat the imperial state. What we need is a dual strategy of mass agitation and propaganda, along with clandestine operations that are carried out by tight cadres. It’s this balance between organizational security and popular openness that can give us the tools to combat the threat we face. We must make it impossible for the enemy to atomize us, to demoralize us, and to thereby leave us all the more vulnerable towards repression and sabotage. This is a fight that will be won in partnership with the masses, who are incompatible with liberal fascism and will destroy it when given the right guidance.


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