Friday, August 16, 2024

Deep state seeks to instigate 2024 election unrest to distract from U.S. empire’s next war escalation plans

It’s apparent that the intelligence centers seek to mobilize the country’s political elements, both on the right and the left, towards participating in violent spectacles during or after the 2024 election. Caleb Maupin, who’s been able to gain insights on the plans of our ruling class from some of his more connected friends, has made this warning about what will soon happen. His advice is for people to stay away from any gatherings that will potentially include a chaotic aspect, and could be steered by agent provocateurs towards illegality like how January 6 was. 

Part of why the feds aim to orchestrate these false flag unrest outbreaks is so that the security state can crack down on dissent. Another other part of it, I’ve recently realized, is so that they can distract from the war provocations the U.S. empire seeks to carry out around the time of this election. Evading these traps that our class enemies are setting for us, and building a political force that can challenge the war machine, are how we can turn World War III into a class war. We can outmaneuver the forces of reaction, but that requires understanding just what the intentions of them are and which actions could upset their next schemes.

As Stephen Cho has concluded in the latest issue of the World Anti-Imperialist Platform’s publication, our ruling class seeks to escalate the new cold war now because it’s feeling impatient. Because the U.S. election cycle, with its long months of anticipation over which imperialist puppet will next come into office, is not something the new cold warriors want to be delayed by. If they can help it, they won’t wait a day to open up their desired next warfare fronts, and if anything the election is making them more anxious to accelerate their plans. This is clear from how our government is targeting anybody who may compromise the effort at instigating more tensions with the DPRK. 

This last month Sue Mi Terry, a former CIA officer who’s been part of the anti-DPRK foreign policy network, was arrested for having associated too closely with the government of south Korea. The U.S. caught Terry for receiving gifts from Republic of Korea intelligence officers, and providing information to them. This is maybe the biggest double standard imaginable, because officials in the USA’s highest levels of government brazenly collude with officials from states like Saudi Arabia or the “Israeli” Zionist entity. They’ve started taking ROK collusion seriously, to the extent that they’re making somewhat spurious charges against Terry, because the ROK has been defying U.S. foreign policy in certain key areas. 

The South has helped Washington menace the North as it’s always done, but it hasn’t wanted to intensify the anti-DPRK activities as much as the U.S. wants it to. This has made the ROK a likely new target for regime change, and a means of making McCarthyite “foreign agent” accusations so that repression can be expanded domestically.

That the empire managers care so much about escalating in Korea is one of the reasons why they prefer for Harris to win. If Trump wins, and he can conduct foreign policy with as much independence as he could last time, then diplomacy with the DPRK will be restarted. And Trump’s White House won’t need to have much agency in order to do this, because in his first term Trump met with Kim Jong Un despite being co-opted in other areas. Fueled by the anxieties over this scenario repeating itself, the pro-Harris wing of the deep state is going to carry out increasingly drastic acts of election interference. Right now this meddling is mainly taking the form of censorship and media spin, but in time it could come to involve violent activities. 

This is why the next January 6-type event the feds orchestrate could come prior to the election: the pro-Harris deep state wing wants to be able to propagate the idea that this election is MAGA fascism vs democracy. It would benefit this goal for the Proud Boys to stage another illegal action, one that can be used to make the Democrats look like our saviors. That was the purpose of the October 2020 sting operation that contrived a plot to kidnap a Democratic governor. If the deep state succeeds in these kinds of narrative manipulations again, then it will better be able to escalate in Korea, as well as in Eastern Europe and the East China Sea. These are the three places where Washington seeks to instigate more Ukraine scenarios, and we need to watch them closely. We also need to take advantage of the great opportunity that’s appeared for nurturing the American people’s anti-imperialist impulses.

The problem the narrative managers are facing is that in 2024, the discourse can’t be steered towards the culture wars as easily as it could four years ago. In 2020, the USA’s people were fiercely fighting each other over vaccines, masks, and by extension the election. Today, the people are increasingly coming to be unified, because it’s gotten clear that there’s something more important than the polarizing arguments of bourgeois U.S. politics. This thing is monopoly capitalist control over our government, which has been behind the pandemic mismanagement, the wars, the intelligence interference within the 2020 election, and the engineered inflation crisis. Americans across the ideological spectrum are coming together in opposition to these things, and it represents the rise of a proto-revolutionary mass consciousness. The next step, the one which communists must bring us towards, is where this consciousness develops into a popular campaign against imperialism.

This is where we can connect the war escalations to the evils that our ruling class is committing domestically. A great number of Americans are watching the things the deep state has been doing to intervene in this election—the Trump assassination attempt, the media manipulations designed to protect Harris, the efforts to memory hole the assassination—and feeling a need to take action. We can show them that the effective way to combat these corrupt forces is by resisting the empire’s foreign policy agenda, which is inseparably tied to these domestic events. There’s no way that the attempt on Trump’s life wasn’t connected to the effort at ensuring Korea escalations; the ROK-based People’s Democracy Party has said it believes this to be the case:

The attempt to assassinate Trump by the unseen forces, which is an unelected power and a fascist power, is a reflection of the war maniac to make World War 3 enter full swing…Under the acute situation of World War 3, like a train running head-on between the anti-imperialist and imperialist camps, a series of facts show that the hostile conflict is being intensified between “anti-unseen forces” and “unseen forces” in the US. Under the situation of World War 3, the forces who are driving the people to the extreme anxiety and fear through the madness of fascism and war, is the imperialist camp which has the US as its ringleader. The Korean people and the people of the world will defeat the imperialist aggressors who are going mad with fascism and war through the just anti-imperialist and antifascist struggle and will advance the independence and peace of the whole world.

If we navigate this moment wisely, and focus on building mass support rather than inserting ourselves into actions that are clearly traps, then we’ll be able to take advantage of these developments. We are capable of outmaneuvering our enemies, whatever tricks they pull.


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