Sunday, November 19, 2023

Declining support for Israel among U.S. public threatens empire’s plans for war against Mexico & BRICS

The support for a ceasefire in Gaza among not just most Americans, but most of the MAGA base, has jeopardized the plans of the war machine. Prior to last month’s escalations in Israel-Palestine, the U.S. empire’s strategists were increasingly aiming to make Mexico their next target. The calls to invade Mexico from our most right-wing politicians are, in the long term, going to be received by the highest levels of capital. Because a war against that country is the logical conclusion of everything the empire is doing today. 

Once Washington’s defeat in Ukraine becomes severe enough, it’s going to shift towards a war that’s more geographically close, and that’s more directly connected to primitive accumulation. Whereas the empire’s instigation of war in Ukraine was centrally motivated by desire to gain greater advantage over China on the geopolitical chessboard, the war against Mexico will represent a more crude, blatant, and ancient form of imperialism. It will be an attempt to expand the U.S. empire’s original colonization project, making it so that as the empire retreats and grows more desperate, it will regress to its oldest and most visible methods of exploitation. 

As the liberal order breaks down, and international monopoly capital comes under threat, we’re seeing the U.S. ruling class prepare for a scenario where they have to depend more on the American hemisphere for imperial extraction. Eurasia has proven unable to be recolonized, and Africa is increasingly coming to be liberated from neo-colonialism; so subduing Mexico’s anti-imperialist government is at some point going to be seen by the elites as vitally important.

During these last couple months, we’ve seen that a great amount of the USA’s conservative base has potential to be brought into the resistance against this drive towards war with Mexico. Which means the Mexico psyop’s primary target demographic can’t be relied upon to support the invasion, at least not enough for the propaganda to be sufficiently effective. The Mexico psyop’s purpose is to propagate the notion that Washington needs to intervene in order for Mexico’s drug cartel crisis to end; a narrative which depends on the U.S. public remaining unaware of how our government has engineered that crisis. 

The evidence for this vast false flag is abundant. Not only has the CIA deliberately and systematically nurtured Mexico’s drug trade, but U.S. police departments and the DEA also facilitate the distributions the cartels depend on. Participation in these crimes has been happening within every level of the USA’s institutions. That includes the corporate world, as the efforts of big pharma to proliferate narcotics have been bringing death and suffering to the entire continent. 

These are the factors that created the fentanyl crisis, a plague which is taking family members from people of all colors and ideological orientations. The war propagandists would like us to blame Mexico for these deaths, but wait until more of our society finds out that it’s the U.S. government which is responsible. Because of the indiscriminate nature of fentanyl’s effects on the population, we could see people from essentially all demographics become part of the backlash. And if anti-imperialists do our job, this backlash will take on an antiwar nature. The people will essentially reply to the calls by our government to attack Mexico: “Why should we be mad at Mexico? You’re who’s made all these people die!”

For our politicians to bring harm to the country’s people in such a direct and traceable way; then try to use this crisis to justify a war which would be so close and so costly; will turn the people against the government. That is if the anti-imperialist movement sufficiently works to raise awareness about these realities, and to do this among not just left-liberals but conservatives even moreso.

The unity behind a Gaza ceasefire among the majority within both these demographics shows it’s possible to unite them against invading Mexico. They can also be united against the wars that our government seeks to wage against the BRICS countries, and against the newly freed African countries. The genocidal propagandists in the right-wing media have failed to convince even most in their intended audience that the Palestinians deserve extermination. Which means that when Mexico becomes the main target, many of those who you’d expect to be the most jingoistic will be getting angry at their own government, rather than at who their government has demonized. 

Whether due to empathy for the Gaza genocide’s victims, wariness towards foreign involvement brought upon by the scam Ukraine proxy war, or a mixture of the two, a growing number of Americans are developing an anti-imperialist consciousness. And this process of becoming aware isn’t exclusive to the left, it’s happening across the entire ideological spectrum. Our job is to nurture this impulse among the people towards defying the designs of their rulers.

We’re capable of rallying tens of millions of people in this country towards resisting the war machine’s next maneuvers. Through this, we’ll inject the USA’s workers movement with the anti-imperialist character which it needs to become seriously revolutionary again. That’s the outcome our rulers fear could come from their next wars, which is why they’re trying to create a greater precedent for persecuting anti-imperialists (as exemplified by the Uhuru case). They hope to prevent their plans from backfiring, which will happen if the antiwar movement gains enough strength. The campaign for war on Mexico won’t work if the people are already prepared to resist this campaign’s psyops. 

The rotating cycle of villains within the empire’s war propaganda depends on a collective amnesia, where no one thinks about the lies our government has told in the past whenever it’s come up with new lies. What if we broke the cycle, and made the government’s history impede its ability to keep launching wars?

Since this summer, when the neocon think tanks began talking about waging a hybrid war against BRICS, there’s already been enough backlash against the empire on an international level for its efforts to become frustrated. Attacking every pro-China country would leave Washington too economically isolated, so it needs to choose its next targets carefully. Which has become all the more limiting for the empire during these last couple months, as strategically crucial Global South countries like Brazil, Colombia, and Indonesia have called for a ceasefire. The hegemon obviously wishes it could coerce these countries into shutting up, but Washington is overwhelmed by its own wars as is. It’s unable to domineer any of the countries it wants to conquer the most. That was shown this last week, when China got Biden to agree to proposals for cooperation.

Our role in the hegemon’s defeat is to bring every element of the USA’s people who are compatible with anti-imperialism—which is the great majority—to mobilize against their government. We’ll complete the process of liberation from empire, rendering our government’s war operations untenable by making it unable to manage the narrative.


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