Thursday, September 14, 2017

The Neoliberals Will Fall Because You Can't Maintain A System Based On Lies

To complete their revolution, the corporate capitalists, warmongers, and nationalist demagogues who control the government will need to totally redefine reality. We know this because they’ve had to deceive themselves before working toward this oligarchic future. James McGill Buchanan, the economist who helped create the modern plutocratic worldview, said neoliberal capitalism is needed to free the rich from having to share their wealth with an inferior underclass. From this he concluded in his book The Limits of Liberty that “Despotism may be the only organizational alternative to the political structure that we observe.”

Building on the control that the military industrial complex had already gained during the decades before neoliberalism’s rise in the 1970’s, Buchanan’s movement has since become dominant. Dominant not just in politics, but in the tactics the ruling class uses to justify their actions. Unlimited corporate money in politics and massive economic exploitation are celebrated as freedoms. Events like the massive election fraud in the 2016 Democratic primary are hidden from the public so that it can look like the neoliberals rule democratically. The Washington Post, which is controlled by the CIA and has strategically attacked nonconformists like Bernie Sanders, can profane the very idea of the truth by making its recently adopted slogan “Democracy dies in darkness.” And all these lies are enforced more insidiously than ever through the coordinated media echo chamber started in 2007, the legalized CIA psy op program started in 2013, and the Ministry of Truth designed for “countering propaganda” that was started last year.

In June 1934, as Germany was run by fanatics who’d vowed to continue their rule for a thousand years, the dissenting vice-chancellor Franz Papen said in a speech that “If one desires close contact and unity with the people, one must not underestimate their understanding. One must not everlastingly keep them on leading strings. No organization, no propaganda, however excellent, can alone maintain confidence in the long run.” This expectation of totalitarianism inevitably being overthrown, as agreed by George Orwell with his implication that even a global dictatorship couldn’t last more than a century, may sound suspiciously like faith. But it’s this supposed faith in the resilience of truth and humanity that’s made all the repressive regimes throughout history eventually end. And it’s what we’ll need to carry on during the current one.

It’s what we’ll need because this regime is different from the past ones. It’s using its presence in the United States and the NATO countries to try to become global. To the compliance of even foreign or “independent” media outlets like The Guardian and NPR, an operation is going on to make the American oligarchy all-powerful.

Elaborate hoaxes have been perpetrated in recent years to try to overthrow the Syrian government and exploit the results. In 2014, the government had agents stage and report a supposed attack from Assad that a U.N. investigation confirmed never happened. This April Assad was claimed to have perpetrated a sarin attack that provoked U.S. missile strikes, despite a treaty having been made earlier that month which secured Assad’s exemption from American intervention. The implausibility of that claim was vindicated this month when damning inconsistencies were revealed about the circumstances of the attack. Then the lies on Syria escalated to the Bana Alabama soy op, wherein a Twitter account dispensing sophisticated war propaganda on Syria was presented through the guise of it belonging to a seven-year-old Syrian refugee girl.

This campaign extends to Syria’s ally Russia, which the government has been trying to conquer since Putin’s disobeying U.S. interests with the 2014 Crimea invasion. That same year, the U.S. helped install and has continued to support an aggressive and unstable neo-Nazi regime in Ukraine which threatens Russia. NATO troops and U.S.-related nuclear bases have been quietly amassing around Russia’s borders in recent years. The neocons’ aim, as explicitly said by senator Eric Swalwell in a March interview, is to replace Putin with a U.S.-obedient leader, though some think it’s also the elimination of the Russian Federation. 

This campaign extends to Syria’s ally Russia, which the government has been trying to conquer since Putin’s disobeying U.S. interests with the 2014 Crimea invasion. That same year, the U.S. helped install and has continued to support an aggressive and unstable neo-Nazi regime in Ukraine which threatens Russia. NATO troops and U.S.-related nuclear bases have been quietly amassing around Russia’s borders in recent years. The neocons’ aim, as explicitly said by senator Eric Swalwell in a March interview, is to replace Putin with a U.S.-obedient leader, though some think it’s also the elimination of the Russian Federation. 

Politicians and pundits have stopped using the Russian DNC hacking claim to justify these actions after the intelligence agencies themselves admitted there’s no hard evidence for the claim, that metadata was shown to have been manipulated in the government reports to implicate Russia in the leak, that an investigation has shown the emails could only have come from an inside leaker, and that another investigation has confirmed there’s no basis for Russia’s involvement. But those behind these Cold War escalations aren’t going to let that stop them.

The other current regime change countries are North Korea, which has been mischaracterized as the provocateur in a conflict that only the U.S. is creating. Then Venezuela, whose leader and recent election have been falsely portrayed as illegitimate so that a regime change project can happen. Then Iran, which the Trump administration and corporate Democrats are lying has defied the nuclear deal in an apparent mission to start war. Then potentially China, which has also been encircled with nuclear bases, could get involved in the planned Russia-NATO conflict, and was threatened two months ago with nuclear attacks by the U.S. Pacific fleet commander. 

A war is being engineered that could end with the western billionaire class controlling an essentially one-world government whose propaganda and policing systems are omnipotent. This project is being advertised to the public through the corporate media’s gladly covering things like the Russian war games while ignoring the NATO aggressions that provoked those war games. It’s being prepared for with this year’s military budget increases and attempts to destroy the social safety net. The elites are taking precautions against its potential outcomes by building luxury survival bunkers in rural land and on the ocean. And the efforts to stop it are being fought with this last month’s increased social media company censorship of dissenting views, thickened police militarization, and manufacturing of outrage at the very idea of peace with Russia.

Yet I mention all this not to discourage, but to do what’s needed for defeating the Deep State: exposing its lies. Fascism always creates a litany of problems, and salvation comes through us not becoming overwhelmed by those problems so that we can focus on the fight for justice. The Syria war attempt and the Russia war propaganda narrative were both dealt grievous harm last month from the efforts of undeterred online alternative media journalists. And our ability to move history in a better direction improves each day as those journalists’ following keeps steadily growing. 

In the coming years, the independent media outlets and the social movements they support could expand to sizes that overwhelm the establishment, or we’ll have to wait for the expected impermanence of totalitarianism to destroy the establishment much later. Don’t let that faith in the unsustainability of fascism make you passive-take action now, or lies may continue to reign for the rest of our lifetimes.

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