Friday, September 6, 2024

As our imperialist deep state plots to spread global chaos, the world embraces China & Russia

The big conflict that’s happening across the globe is one between the barbarism of monopoly finance capital, and the progress of the forces which are challenging the imperial hegemon. At this moment, the monopoly capitalists are using their deep state within the U.S. to work towards a power grab; one that they hope will let them destabilize numerous additional countries. 

The intelligence agencies are meddling in the 2024 election for the benefit of Kamala Harris, the candidate who’s become the new favorite of Hillary Clinton’s backers. Harris comes from the same foreign policy network that sent Clinton to orchestrate the color revolution in Libya, where terrorists attacked and then NATO got an excuse to bomb the country into further chaos. Washington’s backing of jihadists in Syria was part of the same destructive mission, with this operation advancing the goal of cutting off China’s Eurasian trade line. The handlers behind Harris aim to soon expand these catastrophic events into many more places, bringing about a new Arab Spring that unseats some of China’s most important partners.

This Clinton/Harris wing of the ruling class has had partial success at orchestrating such events over the last ten years, but other parts of the government have been hesitant to act this aggressively. The Trump administration’s main mode of waging imperialist wars was to lash out, rather than to attack with the same coordination and ambition of the Clinton color revolution network. Under him the imperialists could kill Soleimani, expand sanctions, and advance their cold war escalations, but they didn’t realize their Arab Spring 2.0 dream. Biden has taken the new cold war to the next stage by provoking Russia into full war, but this maneuver has backfired, and now the empire managers are waiting for when they no longer have a puppet with dementia. And they don’t want to go back to the unpredictability of the Trump presidency. The Kamala Harris psyop, and the censorship against information which threatens this psyop, are how these actors seek to ensure their apocalyptic agenda gets implemented.

This is why the Democratic Party has taken on the neoconservative rhetorical role that the Republican Party had twenty years ago: it’s the vehicle the imperial chaos agents have primarily invested in. Harris has called “being an American” the “greatest privilege on earth” because her handlers intend to use these exceptionalist ideas to sell a 2020s equivalent of the Iraq invasion. This new “shock and awe” is supposed to look like a war in East Asia, combined with U.S.-orchestrated global riots and terror attacks that precipitate “humanitarian” interventions. According to a plan from last year by the neocon think tank the Eurasia Group, the main targets are the “swing states” in the great-power competition; these states being Brazil, India, Indonesia, Saudi Arabia, and South Africa.

If successful, just this part of the empire’s destabilization plans would throw much of South America and southern Asia into chaos, as well as overthrow one of Palestine’s biggest allies. And no doubt these actors seek to also destroy the Sahel countries which have broken free from neo-colonialism, creating several more Libyas. They also hope to do this to Serbia, which is one of their many next target locations within Europe. But it’s easy to make a plan. The hard thing is to put that plan into practice. After 9/11, U.S. military strategists made a plan to take out seven Muslim countries in five years, and they still haven’t gotten close to picking off the entire list. 

Libya was the one where they were most successful in, and even there the masses continue to wage a struggle for independence and re-stabilization. Somalia and Sudan have both become American military quagmires, leaving Washington with negligible gains to show for its meddling efforts within these countries. In Sudan, where the U.S. has supported the leaders behind the Darfur genocide, the country’s anti-imperialist movement has an extremely clear mandate to bring justice. A mandate that in time will be fulfilled, since history’s trajectory is in favor of the anti-imperialist camp. In Syria the empire’s success has been mixed, with the anti-imperialist side overall prevailing; where the Assad government holds control, China is able to engage in its developmental projects. The imperialists are further than ever from overthrowing Iran’s government, as Iran has gained enough security and stability to be on the verge of becoming a major economic player. And in Iraq, which was supposed to be where the USA proved its unquestioned military superiority, their puppet government has evolved into something that closely aligns with China.

This is what’s proven futile Washington’s re-invasion of Iraq in 2020, where the U.S. State Department used empty rhetoric about ensuring a “sovereign Iraq.” Iraq has indeed gained greater sovereignty since then; except it’s been in spite of the United States. Iraq has further embraced a partnership with China, using the BRI to build the country up in ways it hasn’t seen for decades. The color revolution fanatics wish they could simply activate their shock troops and replace the country’s government, but in most of the countries that have joined the BRI or BRICS, it would be too costly for Washington to even attempt this. 

They tried such an operation in Kazakhstan in 2022, then failed, and the country was able to celebrate its ten-year anniversary of BRI development. Central Asia, where the BRI began, is enjoying a great paradigm of construction, which shows what’s to come for the countries that have more recently partnered with the PRC. There’s no stopping this shift. Even Turkey and Azerbaijan, both NATO member states, are now applying to join BRICS. This doesn’t mean these countries should be considered anti-imperialist, or don’t need to undergo workers revolutions; it only means the China-Russia camp’s economic victory over the hegemon has been further solidified. Which is in itself a step towards where humanity needs to end up.

The coming liberation of Palestine is going to bring the multipolar transition to its next stage, destroying Washington’s Zionist military outpost and making the U.S. occupation of Syria unravel. When Palestine gains statehood, it’s going to become as much of a partner to China and Russia as Iran is. We’re seeing this in how close Palestine and its allies in resistance have been getting to these powers. Beijing’s hosting of a unity deal between Palestine’s factions, and the Palestinian Authority’s plan to join BRICS, have come along with a direct effort by Russia to militarily back the Axis of Resistance. 

During the period of waiting for Iran’s retaliation against the Zionist entity, Pepe Escobar has observed the definitive power that Russia has given the anti-Zionist forces:

Recently, a stream of Russian aircraft landed in Iran, reportedly carrying offensive and defensive military hardware, including the game-changing Murmansk-BN system, capable of jamming and scrambling all sorts of radio signals, GPS, communications, satellites, and electronic systems up to 5,000 kilometers away. This is the ultimate nightmare for Israel and its NATO helpers. If deployed by Iran, the Murmansk-BN electronic warfare system can literally fry the whole Israeli grid, which is only 2,000 kilometers away, targeting military bases and also the electric grid. If Iran’s response intends to really go off the charts – teaching the occupation state an epic, unforgettable lesson – that might feature a combination of the Murmansk-BN and new Iranian hypersonic missiles. And perhaps some extra Russian hypersonic surprises.

These developments are consistent with the trend of how China has been economically defeating the U.S. empire, while Russia has been militarily defeating it. Perhaps China, along with the DPRK, will soon join Russia in the effort to militarily subdue Washington and its proxies; this depends on whether the neocons get their desired wars in Taiwan and Korea. For us in the empire’s core, the most important thing to do at this stage is agitate against our government’s present and planned imperialist crimes. For the Russians; for the Palestinians; for the Iranians; for the peoples of China, Korea, Syria, and everyone else who the empire is menacing; we need to show up in solidarity. In partnership with these peoples, we’ll defeat the forces of barbarism.


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