Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Second Trump assassination attempt was recrimination from deep state actors who can’t handle Russia’s victory

This second assassination attempt against Trump that we saw a few days ago revealed the sense of desperation shared by certain elements of the U.S. permanent security state. Since this latest assassination plot was haphazard much like the last, and the CIA has numerous ways to take someone’s life, I don’t believe this attitude is the prevailing one within the intelligence apparatus. There are different wings of the deep state, and these schemes to kill Trump are coming from forces which likely lie lower within the hierarchy. Within the elements that are more inclined to genuinely believe their own propaganda, and therefore act as if Washington will beat Russia if only it continues to have the right leadership.

The recent gunman’s telltale signs of CIA ties show that these forces don’t just exist within the FBI, which had fingerprints on the assassination attempt from July. And whatever higher authorities may have set the shooter on this mission, their motive was to try to find an answer to Washington’s strategic defeat by Russia. This is clear from how the shooter was a fanatical pro-Ukraine liberal who appears to have come from the Ukrainian global combat pipeline, with him having gone to Ukraine to recruit U.S. fighters.

Does the CIA connection to this story prove that the “we must eliminate Trump” opinion has been getting more popular among our unelected officials? It’s possible, because the more an empire falters, the more its leaders tend to look for quick solutions. The more they seek to recriminate against other parts of the elite, which is what we’re seeing here. The desire within the deep state to pick off Trump comes firstly from a lack of trust in the system’s ability to rig the election for Harris; and secondly from a fear that Trump will listen to the people in his circle who want negotiations with Russia. The ones who orchestrated this latest shooting are the types of new cold warriors that see Trump building ties with RFK Jr. and Tulsi Gabbard, and think these figures could realistically pull Trump away from the neocon foreign policy model. Which shows a lack of faith in the deep state’s capacity to influence presidents. 

They see these variables, and they fear their side is losing control. And they’re right to have this fear, but not for the reasons they think. The threat towards the new cold war’s success doesn’t come from RFK, it comes from the new cold war’s inherently futile nature.

Within the worldview of the “Ukrainiacs,” the true believers of the Ukraine psyop, there’s no way that NATO could be losing to Russia on its own merits. Russia’s continued ability to frustrate Ukrainian military plans, and the wider rise of BRICS, must be because Washington’s potential to fight is being held back by internal saboteurs. The Ukrainiacs won’t admit that Russia is winning, but they can’t ignore the reality that’s right in front of them, so they operate with the belief that Ukraine will surely win as long as the threatening variables are eliminated. If we just get rid of Trump, or social media “misinformation,” or whatever other things may challenge the war effort, then Russia will be crushed. They say they’re still confident in Ukraine’s victory because they need to say that, but this is not how somebody acts when they’re sure their side will prevail. Someone who’s on the path to victory doesn’t go around looking for people they can preemptively blame in case they lose, and try to assassinate these scapegoats.

Amid this contagious anxiety and paranoia within the imperial command structure, the higher-level officials are also feeling the stress. They see that Russia has indeed won, and that its military victories over Ukraine aren’t even the main reason why it’s won; the main reason is the rise of BRICS that the special operation has brought about. This development on the geopolitical chessboard, which is what Washington’s strategists primarily pay attention to, represents a crucial step in the collapse of U.S. financial hegemony. And that’s the deeper reason for the alarm of the Ukrainiacs, even though they don’t know it. 

Because they’re obsessed with militarily defeating Russia, all they focus on is the armed combat element within this war. So now that Ukraine’s latest big military adventure in Kursk has backfired, they’re displaying worry, and hoping that installing Kamala Harris will make Ukraine win. But Ukraine never had real hope of winning, because it’s on the wrong side of a much bigger historical conflict; a conflict between the dying unipolar order, and the new order that was inevitably going to replace it. We’re now seeing the different elements of the deep state and the political establishment react to this defeat for imperial power.

Some of them have decided the solution is to get rid of Trump. Others, like Keir Starmer, have adopted the attitude that Russia must not be bluffing on its red lines, which means NATO can supposedly advance its war plans without any risks. The highest-level unelected officials are seeking to instigate political unrest during or after the 2024 election, aiming to create justification for crackdowns while distracting from their next warfare maneuvers. The common trend is a desire to sacrifice the stability of the empire’s core. Assassinating the leader of the MAGA movement would provoke the right-wing militias, leading to civil conflict. And though the higher intelligence authorities don’t necessarily want to kill Trump, they’re also working to bring about such extreme polarization and chaos. 

The biggest danger is if the Keir Starmer types get their wish, because they’re the ones who are most willing to risk a nuclear holocaust. The radioactive, depopulated, and orderless future that they’re bringing us towards would be the logical extreme of the elite’s anti-human worldview. They’re the most threatening kinds of Ukrainiacs, because they give the “we can beat Russia” delusion an existentially threatening amount of power.

Preventing this delusion from bringing us into World War III is the single most urgent task that humanity has at this moment. The anti-imperialist camp is on the path to victory. But the imperialist beast continues to hold the means for destroying civilization, and for exterminating a large percentage of the species. It’s also already carrying out an extermination of the Palestinians, whose liberation is inevitable but who are experiencing a genocide in the meantime. Our enemies are scrambling, and are increasingly divided over what to do; we need to take advantage of these growing conflicts within the power structure. We need to build a mass movement against imperialism, one which is equipped to survive the next crackdowns. Then it will be possible to outmaneuver the monopoly capitalists, and overthrow the imperial state.


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Monday, September 16, 2024

Rage Against the War Machine & our struggle’s new stage: a statement on behalf of the CPI

I was drawn to the Rage Against the War Machine coalition for the same reason I would come to join the Center for Political Innovation: it presented an alternative to pan-leftism, the idea that Marxists should exclusively stay within the left. I had just seen the pan-leftists fail to support Russia in its war to rescue the Donbass from fascism, and I was now seeing them attack this new coalition which brought together many different antiwar elements. This confirmed to me that RAWM has a crucial role within the advancement of the anti-imperialist struggle. Today, with the coalition about to hold a new rally in DC, the situation is different. The opposition we face is different. 

The pan-leftists are still there, but our ruling class has cultivated many other ideological forces which go against the ant-imperialist cause. Pan-leftism has already lost in many ways; our coalition’s new big enemy is an amalgamation of the far right, the outwardly anti-Marxist radical liberals, and the liberal fascists who are driving war and repression. They’re all working against the communists, libertarians, and conservatives who oppose U.S. hegemony.

This is the alignment of forces that’s come to be during the present stage of our struggle; the stage where the imperialists are scrambling to maintain their capital amid the imminent collapse of Zionism, and the failure of Washington’s attempts at destabilizing Eurasia. In this era, monopoly capital’s main goal is to successfully pivot towards another mode of global warfare; one where the hegemon orchestrates color revolutions throughout the BRICS countries, while instigating a massive new conflict is east Asia. 

To do this, the imperialists need to sell the narrative that the United States is a friend to the Palestinians, and that this supposed virtue of American liberalism means Washington is right to attack all of these other places. The only way we can effectively combat this psyop, and all the other psyops that support these warfare schemes, is through the practice which RAWM and CPI advance. The practice where we build a mass movement, one that appeals to the people’s material interests in defeating the imperialist system.

The intelligence forces are promoting many ideological elements that can redirect mass discontent, and perpetuate the divisions within our society. The neo-Nazi “groypers” who say capitalism’s crises come from an anti-white conspiracy; the radlibs who feed people’s alienation rather than building a mass movement; these are the only “dissident” groups that the ruling class wants to have a presence. This way, no real anti-imperialist force will exist, and the liberals can continue to advance imperialism’s schemes without any challenge. The coalition that we’re building, and the cadres that will emerge from this coalition, represent a disruption towards this bleak paradigm.

By constructing an organizational presence to challenge pan-leftism, we’ve made it possible to truly threaten the rule of capital. This stage of our task, where we’ve needed to take away the left’s dominance over organizing, is already on its way to being fully completed. So we’re now in a better place to defeat the propaganda campaigns our enemies are orchestrating, such as the Kamala Harris psyop. 

That’s what we can do within the realm of discourse. And the CPI is indeed carrying out operations to expose Harris, while bringing in more people from across the ideological spectrum. We’re on the trajectory towards victory. A crucial thing is that we keep expanding into the masses, which is why I recommend that people do things like start RAWM student clubs or build their own local cadres. The other most important thing is that we keep our operations going amid whatever attacks next come from our enemies, which means running these cadres with discipline and consideration for contingencies. We’re in a much better place than we were only two years ago; we need to keep that progress going, and take advantage of this unprecedented moment for revolutionary gains.


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Sunday, September 15, 2024

Why the neocons have overwhelmingly endorsed Harris, & what they’re willing to do to make sure she “wins”

Given how almost all of Trump’s foreign policies pleased the neocons, with Trump having murdered Soleimani, struck Syria, and massively furthered cold war escalations, you might assume the ratio of neocons who support the two candidates would be more even. Surely Trump would at least have a solid amount of neocons backing him; for essentially all the neocon political actors to come together behind one candidate, like they’ve done for Harris, is peculiar. The divisions in our ruling class have gotten big enough that from the perspective of the new cold warriors, there are genuine stakes within this election. It’s clear that they’re truly anxious to make sure Harris wins. And this concern comes from a worry about failing to fulfill their next foreign policy goals.

We’ve seen the neocons consolidate their narrative power, and fully unite into a coalition with the Democrat “progressives,” because the foreign policy wing which Trump represents is seen by them as an inadequate leadership source. It’s not enough for them that Trump is anti-China, pro-Zionist, and willing to go along with the anti-Russia schemes; the empire managers need a president that will also escalate in Korea, which is pivotal to the fulfillment of all other imperialist war designs. Trump aims to restart diplomacy with the DPRK, while Harris has repeated every anti-DPRK statement that her handlers have written. This makes Harris the more reliable puppet.

Or at least Korea is part of the reason why the neocons have collectively made this decision. I think that when Dick Cheney and the other former Republican officials who support Harris say they’re worried Trump threatens our “democracy,” it’s a cover for how they want Harris to carry out an actual anti-democratic coup. The dominant wing of our ruling class sees it as an urgent task to crush dissent; to neutralize opposition towards the war drive in east Asia, and the planned new wave of color revolutions. Since the empire started the new cold war, there’s been a rise in proto anti-imperialist mass consciousness, one created by our era’s economic decline. The conservative base has undergone a political reorientation, with the bulk of opposition towards war in Syria coming from MAGA supporters. If Trump is kept out of office, he’ll be unable to fail his mandate for ending the wars and draining the swamp, and the myth of MAGA being anti-establishment will get strengthened. The effort to install Harris is in part about keeping MAGA alive, and thereby keeping the masses invested in a false solution.

This is the opportunity for inflaming the culture wars that a Harris win would create. Trump having the election rigged against him would provoke a new wave of right-wing outrage, reaffirming the belief that MAGA is what can save our society. The feds will then send agent provocateurs into the pro-Trump protests, giving the state an excuse to take away more civil liberties. The empire managers hope for this election to reorient the discourse back towards partisan, culture war conflicts, distracting from our recent national conversations about needing to improve people’s lives. They want us to stop talking about the inflation crisis, or the other materially relevant issues, and instead focus on the left-right battles. 

These discourse psyops they’re orchestrating will partially work, but there are also many signs that their plans are going to be frustrated. Which means we can expect the neocons, and the intelligence forces that align with them, to act out in more aggressive ways.

The FBI just had its scheme to criminalize anti-imperialist solidarity work backfire. That’s the essence of what happened during last week’s trial for the African People’s Socialist Party, even though the fight against this persecution campaign isn’t over. The jury found the accused not guilty on the charge of acting as unregistered foreign agents for Russia; which sets a precedent that could protect people who get accused of such things in the future. The thing they got convicted of was “conspiracy to defraud the United States,” which was a verdict that had no basis in fact and got reached through FBI intimidation of the jury members. So the Uhuru org will almost definitely win its appeal (though this could take years, and we’ll need to mobilize towards keeping the accused out of jail). Because the campaign to purge dissent has experienced this setback, the empire’s effort to police the discourse is now at greater risk. 

The main tool the pro-Harris oligarchs are using to try to rig the election is Google; they’re manipulating the algorithms to target swing voters, and convince them to vote Harris through narratives like “Trump is a new Hitler.” Will this tool succeed at making Harris “win?” We have yet to see. Even if it does, though, the broader balance of forces could soon come to be in the anti-imperialist struggle’s favor. 

As the FBI has failed to set its desired precedent through the Uhuru case, the popular masses have continued to react to the decline in living standards, and many have identified the wars as being part of the problem. The global anti-imperialist forces have kept making gains; the Houthis and Hezbollah keep advancing against the Zionist entity, while China has helped ensure Palestine will go forward with internal unity. BRICS keeps expanding, and Palestine will now join with it. Some of Washington’s traditionally most reliable puppets, namely south Korea, have started coming into conflict with the USA. The more the Eurasian economic center rises, the more threatened the neo-colonial extractive system gets, and Washington’s Ukraine proxy war has utterly failed to reverse this process. History is going in the opposite direction that the neocons want it to. That’s why the neocon-adjacent part of the ruling class is now going on the offensive domestically, waging war against all which could endanger the next global attack plans.

This effort to destabilize the United States gets more intense each day. Just a couple days ago, I speculated that the deep state probably wouldn’t try to assassinate Trump again, because I imagined it would think that looks too suspicious. But I underestimated how desperate these forces are, because this afternoon another assassination attempt happened; it was a shooting at Trump’s golf course.

A bullet didn’t hit him this time, likely because Trump’s team overhauled their entre old Secret Service crew in response to the last attempt. And given this improvement, it’s now less likely that any future attempts will succeed either. So my prediction is that the next things the deep state does will be mobilizing the “counter-gangs”; the paramilitary forces which counterinsurgencies can use to attack by proxy. The Harris wing intends to use these kinds of ultraviolent groups, both right-wing and left-wing, to create chaos. The goals of this manufactured political violence will be to justify repression, inflame the culture wars, and terrorize dissidents. Amid the Uhuru trial’s outcome and the second failed assassination, activating their shock troops is the logical thing for these deep state actors to do.


If you appreciate my work, I hope you become a one-time or regular donor to my Patreon account. Like most of us, I’m feeling the economic pressures amid late-stage capitalism, and I need money to keep fighting for a new system that works for all of us. Go to my Patreon here

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Saturday, September 14, 2024

The inter-civilizational development project we need, & how monopoly capital is trying to prevent it

Above: diagram of the World Landbridge, as featured on

One of the biggest concerns of Kamala Harris—or rather of the deep state handlers who determine everything Harris says and does—is to prevent industrial development in the Arctic parts of U.S. territory. A great opportunity has appeared for joint growth projects between the U.S. and Russia, which threatens both the project at instigating cold war escalations and the dominance of the American ultra-monopolies. So the Harris wing of our ruling class aims to stop Alaskan infrastructural and economic growth projects by any means necessary, including violently interfering in the 2024 election.

Because of global warming, the easternmost part of Russia has been undergoing a great economic boom. The more hospitable environment has opened up unprecedented new possibilities for growth in that part of the world; except whereas Russia is taking advantage of this opportunity, the United States is not. Russia is a country that’s been seeking to build its economic strength back up since the Soviet Union fell, and catastrophe befell its people. Its leaders have every reason to pursue growth. The dominant wing of the U.S. ruling class, though, is working to degrow the country’s economy. Its monopoly capitalist system is experiencing a crisis of overproduction that’s worse than any past one, and to alleviate this crisis, the economy must be downsized.

An imperialist country in the later stages of its collapse is one that keeps itself sick; that sacrifices its own people’s material wellbeing for the sake of keeping profits up. But a country like Russia, which is free from the domination of international monopoly capital, does what’s economically rational and healthy. What the USA’s people need to do is overthrow our monopolist dictatorship, and replace it with a workers state that plans the economy in a collectively beneficial fashion. The monopolists are frightened that we’ll assert our interests in this way, so they’re using their political police to try to keep things on the present path. This means both targeting the political left with propaganda about how growth, nuclear energy, and Russia should be hated; as well as plotting new sabotages of the democratic process, aiming to install the deep state’s favored candidate Kamala Harris.

Within the view of the world that these anti-Russia and anti-growth psyops promote, it would be “fascist” for the U.S. to collaborate with Russia on development. All the objectively beneficial things that such a partnership would bring—a land bridge between Russia and Alaska, peace between the two countries, greater prosperity on both sides—are viewed as “reactionary.” This is because within leftist dogma, Russia can’t ever be anything more than a reactionary force. This dogma hyper-focuses on the country’s social policies, ignoring how the political character of today’s Russia has been fundamentally influenced by a struggle for sovereignty from monopoly capital. Russia is not reducible to Putin, who’s himself been simplified into a villain caricature by this narrative; Russia is a dynamic, multi-faceted society with many different forces (including communists) influencing its state’s policies. It’s because of this complexity that its liberal elements have been overwhelmed, and been unable to turn Russia back into a U.S. client state or prevent the anti-fascist military operation.

It’s crucial for communists in the United States to have this nuanced view of Russia, because when we take power, it will be our responsibility to relate to Russia in an intelligent way. We’ll only be able to achieve the economic growth we need if we’re willing to partner with Russia and China. And we’ll only be able to win power in the first place if we act serious about combating the Harris wing’s psyops. The liberals want Marxists to tail them, and to act like being pro-Russia is inherently right-wing. We need to reject this lie, and advance the project for inter-civilizational development.

The other argument the liberal oligarchs use against industrial cooperation with Eurasia, and against growth in general, is that it will exacerbate the climate crisis. This is a cover for their agenda of destroying the people’s energy sources, and forcing us into an age of rolling blackouts. Nuclear energy is the solution; it’s what will let us build and prosper in an ecologically sustainable way. The monopolists want to prevent nuclear from rising, because this would ruin their degrowth effort; the path they want is for fossil fuel to be reduced, without any adequate alternative to replace it. So nuclear energy has been declining in the imperialist countries, while growing in Russia, China, and the Global South. In the future that we’ll build upon gaining power, North America will follow Eurasia in constructing a nuclear grid that can support our joint infrastructural projects. The super-rich are terrified of this future, so they’re doing all they can to sabotage efforts at bringing such progress.

Trump is not an anti-imperialist, but monopoly capital views him as somebody who will frustrate their efforts at holding back history. The neocon political actors have overwhelmingly endorsed Harris in part because Harris can be trusted to escalate within Korea, and also because Harris would consistently advance the degrowth agenda. Trump intends to increase oil drilling in Alaska; which is obviously bad for the climate, but also something that would increase industrial development within an area right next to Russia. More industry in Alaska means more momentum towards economic cooperation between Russia and the USA. For this reason, the deep state is working to rig the election for the Democrats, like it did last time.

We’ll absolutely see the Harris wing act to suppress information that harms the Harris campaign; it’s likely this wing has already done so. We can also expect the deep state to instigate political violence that justifies crackdowns, and orchestrate sting operations that influence the narratives around the election. These are all things the feds did in 2020. In 2024, though, we’ve seen them escalate their war on the democratic process. This was the year when the FBI enabled massive Secret Service failures during a key moment, and let a shooting happen that would have killed Trump if he’d turned his head a half-second later. The media has put this story into the memory hole, but that’s how close we came to the country becoming destabilized. Will the feds try this again? I doubt it, since that would create too much suspicion. But they’ll likely try something equally desperate, and at least as violent. 

The super-rich see a new world approaching, one that they won’t have a role in. So they’re scrambling to keep the United States from becoming a country that joins with the Eurasian economy. If they find themselves out of options, they’ll sacrifice the United States itself for the sake of this goal, engineering a societal collapse. We must overthrow them, and bring about the bright future that they fear.


If you appreciate my work, I hope you become a one-time or regular donor to my Patreon account. Like most of us, I’m feeling the economic pressures amid late-stage capitalism, and I need money to keep fighting for a new system that works for all of us. Go to my Patreon here

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Thursday, September 12, 2024

The imperialists know a Palestinian state is coming, & they’re preparing to escalate their global warfare in response

Every day, it becomes clearer what the future is going to look like. It’s getting more apparent not just that Palestine will gain freedom, but that this liberated Palestine will be fundamentally connected to the multipolar world. Which means that the entire globe is going to be profoundly impacted by this event. The U.S. empire wishes it could turn Palestine into a neo-colony following its decolonization, like how it could do with the African countries that gained independence in the 20th century. It hopes to keep Palestinians in a bondage of a different kind; an economic kind, where multinational corporations and banks come to dominate the land despite the Zionist occupier no longer being there. But the only way this would be able to happen is if Palestine were isolated from the big countries that can support it amid its rebuilding effort; from Iran, Russia, and China, which are already playing a crucial role in the effort to make Palestine thrive again. 

Because Washington’s challengers are fundamentally connected to this project, whatever attempts the imperialists make at assimilating post-colonial Palestine will be thwarted before they can even start. You can’t pressure a country into taking on debt when that country can rely on powerful friends to give it what it needs; when it can turn to China’s Belt and Road Initiative for infrastructural and economic development, as well as plug itself into the vast Eurasian economy. This economy is one that grows ever stronger, and ever more independent from the imperialists; Washington’s self-destructive Russia sanctions have ensured this. The outcome of these events is going to be a Palestine which gets forever freed from colonialism and imperialism.

Today, Washington’s rivals are supporting Palestine by giving it diplomatic leverage and military strength. Iran, and Russia by extension, are providing arms support for the anti-Zionist resistance. China has hosted talks between the different Palestinian factions, giving them the opportunity to unify. Palestine’s ambassador has stated intent to apply for joining BRICS. More broadly, the imperial hegemon’s challengers have created the global conditions for Palestine to gain statehood; simply by getting so much power, they’ve built a counterweight to U.S. influence, making the bulk of the globe’s governments feel comfortable with going against Washington. 

The day is coming when a Palestinian state gets established, and when it does it will have most of the world’s backing. The emerging superpowers in Eurasia, combined with the increasingly strong Global South, will easily overwhelm the protests from the core imperialist countries. With every new child that the Zionist entity murders, with every new revelation of human rights abuses by the Zionist entity, Zionism’s collapse gets accelerated. In the last year, the “Israeli” settler state has seen two million of its former residents leave, because it’s clear to them that their colonial project can’t be sustained. “Israel” can only continue to decline, and even if it still exists when the Palestinian state appears, Zionism’s demographic loss means it won’t last.

Because it’s so obvious that Palestine is headed for freedom, the imperialists know they need a Plan B; or rather a Plan C, because turning post-colonial Palestine into a neo-colony would otherwise be their best option. Washington will permanently lose the crucial strategic advantages which “Israel” provides it, which means the imperial system faces existential peril. It will be unable to counter China, Russia, or BRICS, thereby losing an unprecedented amount of its neo-colonial extractive capacity. And when an empire loses its colonies, it utilizes fascism, where the policies from the colonies get imported into the empire’s core. 

To understand what this version of American fascism is going to look like, we need to understand the new Big Lie the imperialists are putting forth in anticipation of Zionism’s demise. This is the lie that standing with Palestine is reconcilable with opposing Russia, or China, and the other targets of U.S. foreign policy.

It’s this left wing of pro-imperialist ideology, where somebody “supports” Palestine while wanting war against everyone else the empire hates, that’s the optimal cover for what our empire wants to do next. It aims to unleash a new series of color revolutions across the Global South, and to start a war in east Asia. To carry out these maneuvers, the empire needs to promote a worldview that can best be described as Trotskyism; that’s obsessed with exporting the idealistic, pseudo-revolutionary agenda of its propagators. 

We’ve seen Trotskyism manifest in Bush-style neoconservatism, which shares Trotskyism’s desire to spread certain values through military force. The updated version of Trotskyist foreign policy ideology is also neocon in nature, except its core values are not necessarily the traditional neocon concepts of “human rights” and “democracy.” They’re rather culturally leftist ideals, ones specifically associated with the modern left instead of with first-wave feminism. Whereas the Bush administration weaponized the idea of women’s rights to justify its invasions, the liberal fascists of today primarily weaponize the idea of LGBT rights. 

We’ve seen this rhetorical strategy in the “Hamas would kill you for being gay!” talking point from Zionists. But because the updated neocon Trotskyism is about washing one’s hands of Zionism’s vile legacy, and waging a militarized global crusade for social justice, these tactics are mainly going to be used in different ways than this. Now that Zionism has lost the narrative war, imperialism’s trajectory is towards pretending to care about Palestine, while intensifying its warfare against all peoples who it can still harm. The imperialists will do all they can to prolong the genocide of Palestine, and when this genocide ends, they’ll shift the carnage to elsewhere.

Like Zionism, the system of monopoly finance capital is headed for collapse as well; the latter power structure is only dying slower than the former. And when the Zionist entity disappears, the monopolists will see their strength wane even faster. There is no replacing “Israel,” it’s indispensable to the imperialists. So as we see the imperialists and their lackeys drive towards new wars, we’ll know that it’s to compensate for this irrecoverable defeat, and for all the other defeats Washington has suffered. Even the types of pro-imperialists who say they’re pro-Palestine are trying to make up for Palestine’s victory, which in essence has already come; we’re only waiting for when Zionism inevitably perishes. 

These left-wing empire partisans are waging a war that’s directed at essentially the entire globe outside the imperial sphere; which means they’re still attacking Palestine, just indirectly. They seek to inject U.S. culture war issues into Russia, China, Iran, and numerous other countries, with the goal of destabilizing them and then using NGOs to nation-build. That’s the new wave of color revolutions which the Harris wing of the ruling class aims to carry out. And the neocons, who’ve overwhelmingly endorsed Harris, view leftism as a useful tool for marketing this destructive project. This is why as a communist, I’ve decided to abandon the “leftist” label. I’ll work with people who call themselves leftists if they act principled on anti-imperialism, but I urge them to cease identifying with the left as well. 

The goal isn’t to be a leftist, the goal is to defeat U.S. hegemony. And as the battle lines in our geopolitical conflict become clearer, it gets more apparent that the correct path is one independent from leftism. The modern neocons, in their Trotskyist zeal, seek to stigmatize anti-imperialists as “fascists” for standing with the countries that challenge monopoly capital. They want to reduce everything to a battle over social and cultural issues, where any foreign policy that culturally aligns with leftism is seen as righteous. This is the worldview of liberal fascism. If we can effectively counter it, we’ll be in place to bring about imperialism’s final defeat.


If you appreciate my work, I hope you become a one-time or regular donor to my Patreon account. Like most of us, I’m feeling the economic pressures amid late-stage capitalism, and I need money to keep fighting for a new system that works for all of us. Go to my Patreon here

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Wednesday, September 11, 2024

The dystopian goals behind the Kamala Harris psyop, & the mass mobilization we need to thwart these goals

Presenting Kamala Harris as a great figure of progress is how our ruling elites aim to disguise their next assaults on the USA’s people, and on the world as a whole. Monopoly capital’s immediate plans are to install Harris, provoke new culture war battles, and crack down on dissent. The next goal is to instigate a new big war, with the chosen opponent in all likelihood being China. That way, U.S. capitalism’s unprecedented crisis of overproduction can be alleviated. But because we’re at such a late stage within capitalist collapse, sacrificing millions of lives isn’t going to be enough to keep the machine running. The elites also seek to degrow the economy, much more than they already have; Caleb Maupin describes the society the super-rich are creating as a “low-wage police state,” its living standards made worse while its government gets more violent and punitive. This dystopian paradigm is the outcome of where our ruling class is going ideologically. Of the anti-human worldview that the elites embrace, wherein it’s seen as the optimal strategy to expand global destruction and death.

This is the character of the ideology that’s driven the Ukraine psyop: an obsession with destroying the perceived bad guys, even if this means facilitating a modern-day Nazi terror campaign. Now that Zionism’s collapse has been made unavoidable, and Washington’s Ukraine maneuver has backfired, the empire seeks to pivot towards unleashing evils upon the rest of the globe. The neocon think tanks, whose political operatives are overwhelmingly supporting Harris, have concluded that the right maneuver now is to wage a hybrid war against BRICS. This has everything to do with the Harris campaign’s embrace of anti-immigrant politics, because the more successful the war on the BRICS countries is, the more people are going to be displaced. 

Within the outlook that liberalism promotes, where human beings are seen as disposable, this genocide against the Global South will matter no more than the Gaza genocide matters to liberals right now. Sure, we’re still seeing liberals use the old justifications for supporting an imperialist party, like stopping Trump or “defending human rights.” But the thing I’ve been increasingly noticing since the Ukraine war escalated in February of 2022, and the empire’s unraveling thereby accelerated, is a tendency for the most honest liberals to revel in inflicting bloodshed and pain. This has come through in the kinds of race essentialist rhetoric that Ukraine’s ruling Banderite fascists use, and that have thereby been sanctioned by the liberals who these Banderites ally with. Calling Russian people “orcs,” using the Nazi rallying cry “Slava Ukraini,” and discriminating against ethnic Russians have all become far more normal due to the actions of today’s supposed progressives. It’s the hateful impulses behind the pro-imperialist ideology coming to reveal themselves, despite all the veneers of altruism and enlightenment which liberal interventionists put up.

The proxy war against Russia, which will carry on in the form of terror attacks as Ukraine’s collapse continues, shows how our ruling class takes pleasure in causing harm. Even though the terrorism does nothing to reverse Russia’s victory, what matters is that the imperialists get to hurt somebody. This is the coping strategy that liberalism will use as Zionism comes to an end, and Palestine inevitably gains statehood: present the United States as a humanitarian friend to the Palestinians, while escalating the wars against the Global South, east Asia, and the American people themselves. Blinken has said that the U.S. will cut off funding to the World Food Program if Palestine gets recognized as a state, amounting to a threat of engineered global famine. The empire managers know that a free Palestine is coming, and that the world has turned against “Israel.” So they’re hoping to punish the world for Zionism’s downfall, with Harris seen as the optimal puppet for exacting this revenge scheme. 

We can already see Harris preparing to retroactively claim the United States was always an ally of the Palestinians, while intensifying the attacks against all the peoples the empire is capable of attacking. Harris is feigning desire to end the assault on Gaza (which she still refuses to call a genocide), while presenting herself as the one who can be trusted to escalate with countries like the DPRK. This genocide will end in spite of the liberals, not because of them; and when it does, they’ll take the credit for it while redirecting the empire’s violence towards other targets.

Within the empire’s core, this next phase of the war will manifest as a campaign to purge anti-imperialists. To start treating every pro-Palestine, antiwar organization the same way the U.S. government has treated the Uhuru org. This effort at suppressing dissent will involve censorship, as Harris has shown by complaining about how social media platforms lack a consistent standard for content policing. Such online crackdowns will partly have the purpose of keeping the public unaware of what their government is doing; of how their freedoms are being taken away. The imperial state seeks to prevent the bulk of the masses from learning about Uhuru, or about the other targets within this purge, because the broad masses represent a threat towards the state’s rule. The drivers of this war rely on their enemies being isolated, and lacking connection with the people. That way, the political ideology which wins out will be liberal fascism. 

This kind of fascism isn’t just about actively supporting the empire, it’s also about willful apathy; about being passive amid genocide, or the destruction of our liberties, because taking action would mean handing a win to the perceived enemies. The important thing is to crush the Russians, or the third party voters, or the working masses who are seen as backward. This is the petty and small mindset that the Democratic Party seeks to cultivate. It won’t make the state’s counterinsurgency succeed, though, if we put forth a counter to it. If we rally the broad masses towards anti-imperialist activities, injecting our message of hope, optimism, and justice into the discourse. We’re surrounded by potential allies; should we present a positive vision for the future, a program for replacing our bleak neoliberal present, these friends-in-waiting will receive us warmly.

We should not react to liberal fascism’s attacks by retreating into the movement. We need to do the opposite, and embrace the people. This mass-centered mindset is crucial to building a force that can defeat the imperial state. What we need is a dual strategy of mass agitation and propaganda, along with clandestine operations that are carried out by tight cadres. It’s this balance between organizational security and popular openness that can give us the tools to combat the threat we face. We must make it impossible for the enemy to atomize us, to demoralize us, and to thereby leave us all the more vulnerable towards repression and sabotage. This is a fight that will be won in partnership with the masses, who are incompatible with liberal fascism and will destroy it when given the right guidance.


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Sunday, September 8, 2024

The U.S. empire fears confrontation with Iran, and this fear is frustrating its operations in all areas

That Iran has been able to gain so much deterrence power over the U.S. empire and the Zionist entity, to the point where it feels comfortable waiting many weeks to retaliate for this July’s Zionist provocations, shows the role which Iran has within the third world war. Iran is a buffer against imperial aggressions; a force that the hegemon fears confrontation with, because it’s shown itself capable of overwhelming Washington. And this fact exposes a weakness within the imperialists, one we can take advantage of.

The imperialists absolutely want a new big war; their economic system is experiencing an unprecedented crisis of overproduction, and instigating a giant conflict is crucial to alleviating this crisis. Yet they don’t wish for this war to be with Iran. This is somewhat counterintuitive, since Iran is geographically far smaller than Russia or China and the empire isn’t showing such wariness towards provoking these other countries. But for a few reasons, Iran has become the player that the hegemon doesn’t want a full conflict with.

It’s always been obvious that trying to overthrow Iran’s government the same way Washington overthrew Hussein wouldn’t work, since Iran’s mountainous geography makes a ground invasion completely impractical. And with the shift towards multipolarity, Iran has risen to economic prominence, giving it too much stability for Washington’s color revolution attempts to be effective. Additionally, Iran’s rise has put it in place to threaten the U.S. with economic doom should full war break out, making Washington at risk of experiencing the same crises it subjects others to through its sanctions. Over the last two decades, Iran has also indirectly gained much more military power, since its anti-Zionist resistance partner Hezbollah has become an immensely strong armed force. 

Because of how many advantages Iran and the other Axis of Resistance members have gotten, when the Ukraine war started Washington was not looking to provoke Iran in the same way it had just provoked Russia. And it still isn’t looking to do this. It wasn’t until the Palestinian resistance carried out Operation Al-Aqsa Flood on October 7, and the Zionist project became threatened, that the imperialists felt a need to put more focus into southwest Asia. Which has put them at risk of getting the war they fear most.

Because this new mobilization has been reactive towards unexpected events, rather than part of any plan from beforehand, the empire managers are hoping for this headache to end. They wish that southwest Asia’s anti-imperialist forces would go back to being relatively inactive, like they were a year ago; that the Houthis would end the Red Sea blockade, and that Iran weren’t waiting to strike. But this is as unrealistic as hoping for Hamas to be eliminated. The empire’s enemies in the region are going to keep up their new level of activity, and it’s going to keep being terribly costly for the empire. Washington is going to keep having to divert its focus towards southwest Asia, frustrating its plans for war in east Asia and its efforts to spread global chaos.

The fear that Iran is making the “Israeli” settler state feel by waiting to respond, wherein Iran has been able to exacerbate the economic crisis within “Israel” and undermine public security confidence, is also being felt by the broader imperial structure. All Iran needs to do is present Washington with the prospect of having to handle a new strike against “Israel,” and it can render the empire paralyzed. Iran is making the hegemon far less confident in its war plans for Korea, Taiwan, eastern Europe, and elsewhere, because the hegemon knows that if it makes a move in these places now then it will be overwhelmed when Iran acts. This is the gift that Iran is giving to the world: it’s providing us with more time to prepare for the next phase in the anti-imperialist struggle. The phase where Washington carries out its next big maneuver, and tries to throw much of the globe into chaos.

The imperialists remain capable of bringing much destruction and death, but the forces which oppose it can take measures to reduce how much harm it can do. Because Russia has the political will to fight imperialism and fascism, it’s easily been able to crush Kiev’s invasion; it’s both ruined any long-term possibility of Kiev occupying Russia, and made Kiev unable to use this as an effective diversion. Because Venezuela’s revolution has prepared for mass mobilizations, it was able to put down last month’s color revolution attempt. Bolivia has also thwarted another coup effort earlier this year, showing how limited the reach of the regime change apparatus has become. And even in the places where things appear on the surface to be hopeless, the people are showing an undying determination to get the empire out of their lands. 

Within Korea’s U.S.-occupied southern half, the ones who oppose the empire are making themselves heard through networks like the World Anti-Imperialist Platform. The struggle for sovereignty and stability continues within Libya. Sudan’s anti-imperialist movement is resisting the USA, and the genocidal local proxy leaders the USA has been backing. The Palestinians have in essence already won, because the anti-colonial struggle has accelerated the Zionist entity’s collapse. Here in the empire’s heart, where our government is now putting the Uhuru Black communists on trial for exercising their freedom of speech, a movement to defend them has emerged. And the traction that the Uhuru case has been getting in alternative media represents an opportunity to bring more of the masses into the revolutionary struggle. We within the global resistance towards U.S. hegemony are indeed taking advantage of this moment.

I understand that in the place where I live, the best way to do this is by connecting with the people’s anti-imperialist impulses; impulses which absolutely exist, but haven’t yet been turned towards a cohesive mass effort. Promoting the message of peace with Iran is one of the best ways we can bring the people in, because though our government is scared to confront Iran, it’s still perpetuating the risk of such a conflict. It’s maintaining inhumane sanctions against Iran’s people, backing Saudi Arabia’s genocidal war on Yemen in order to counter Iran, and doing nothing to truly prevent the “Israeli” state from committing war crimes against Iran’s people. That these actions by Washington interrelate with the effort to support the genocide against Palestine makes this all the more reprehensible, giving us even more of a mandate to combat what the anti-Iran hawks are doing.

The U.S. empire is bringing itself closer towards a war that it knows would backfire massively, but that it feels pressured into making ever more likely. Our enemy is uncertain on the question of how to handle Iran, and fearful of the things the future might bring. We must exploit this vulnerability.


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