Saturday, October 12, 2024

Iran’s victories confirm Washington can’t recolonize Eurasia. Expect more drastic acts by the U.S. ruling class.

Why is Kamala Harris now calling Iran the USA’s greatest adversary? Because at this stage within the conflict between pro-imperialist and anti-imperialist forces, Iran is the country that’s ruining Washington’s most immediate plans. The neocon think tanks, which are behind Harris, have a scheme for waging hybrid war against BRICS. They believe the hegemon’s best option is to pivot towards destabilization campaigns within as many China-aligned countries as possible, particularly targeting the “swing states” which have potential to fall out of the USA’s orbit. 

Whether consciously or not, the neocons have come up with this strategy in reaction to NATO’s defeat by Russia. They see how the Ukraine proxy war’s primary goal, that being to turn the geopolitical chessboard against China’s favor, has not been met; instigating this conflict with Russia backfired on the empire, and now the global reaction to the Gaza genocide has further sped up multipolarity’s rise. Our ruling class is desperately in need of a viable route towards recolonizing Eurasia; towards reversing China’s rise, and getting the continent’s trade networks back under U.S. dominance.

Iran has just blocked the next plan the empire had for doing this, which was to pit the Iranian government against the wider BRICS circle. In response to the Iranian people’s demands, the country’s government has unified behind the policies of the hardliners, enabling Khamenei’s faction to retaliate against “Israel” and pursue the construction of nuclear weapons. Iran has achieved victory over the capitulationists who’ve sought to undermine it, and succeeded at showing that the “Iron Dome” doesn’t work. So the handlers behind Harris have decided to make Democrats join with Trump in demonizing Iran, hoping that this will let Washington realize its new goals. These are the goals that an empire adopts when it finds itself cornered, and unable to do anything that can prevent its fall.

The essence of the imperial beast’s new strategy is to eliminate as many of its enemies as it still can. This means not just giving the “Israeli” fascist state money to commit genocide, but also actively fueling the anti-Iranian and anti-“terrorist” rhetoric which the genocide depends on. The Democratic Party has embraced Trump’s posture towards “Israel,” using the White House’s platform to promote a “clash of civilizations” narrative about war with Islam. When Harris attacks Iran, this is the message she’s promoting. And that the Democrats feel so comfortable with doing this amid widespread Muslim anger over Gaza, at a time when we’re weeks away from the election, is telling. It shows that the deep state forces which back Harris feel confident they’re going to succeed at rigging the election, and overcoming the backlash from these Muslim voters. They believe they can pull off this domestic victory, which would put Washington in a better place to inflict violence abroad.

If the deep state makes it appear that the Gaza genocide didn’t come at a political cost, and installs Harris in spite of the vote boycott from Palestine supporters, then the next things the empire does will in certain ways be harder to stop. And given the “Israeli” actions that Harris is condoning, it’s apparent that these coming aggressions will be directed at the most vulnerable. The Washington policy strategists who understand economics don’t want a full war with Iran, because they know this would make oil prices explode. But they’re glad to let “Israel” intensify its genocidal war against the people of Lebanon, because they see the slaughter as something that can advance the psychological side of their warfare. The indiscriminate bombing is a “shock and awe” tactic that can inflate the perceived power of the aggressors, making their methods appear more effective than they actually are.

Washington’s initial hope was that these terrorist acts by “Israel” would cause the anti-imperialist bloc to break up. The imperialists wanted Iran’s U.S.-friendly political forces to gain more power amid these attacks, and prevent Iran from retaliating. This would have turned Iran into a force for division within BRICS, leaving all of Washington’s regime change target countries more vulnerable. Instead, the anti-imperialist camp has been strengthened by its enemy’s recent aggressions, with Iran turning towards a more consistently anti-imperialist policy model.

This means that even if Hezbollah is hurt by the loss of Nasrallah, the powers which back Hezbollah will have a greater capacity to help Hezbollah fight. Norman Finkelstein has speculated that Nasrallah’s replacement will take example from Iran more than their predecessor did, which would be a negative development if Iran’s policy were still getting defined by the capitulationists. But in the last couple weeks, Iran’s hardliners have regained control, and it’s been because of these tactics that were supposed to break Iran’s resolve. The imperialists see how their scheme has backfired, so they’re scrambling to escalate this conflict. They’re going to assist “Israel” in intensifying the genocide against the Palestinians, and in expanding the murder to more parts of Lebanon. Then they’re going to open up the next fronts of warfare, which will be located in east Asia, the Balkans, the “swing states,” the entire Global South, and the core imperialist countries.

As the hegemon tries to provoke China into a proxy war, and to carry out a new wave of color revolutions, it’s preemptively attacking the USA’s own people. This domestic counterinsurgency is going to center around counter-gangs, the civilian proxy forces which states can mobilize to commit violence on their behalf; we know counter-gangs will be a major tool because our deep state has been testing them in Britain. This August’s anti-Muslim UK riots, fueled by the social media platforms that U.S. intelligence agencies control, were a precursor to the things our ruling class will do in the United States. And we can expect these counter-gang assaults to come here quite soon, likely right after the election. 

Like in Britain, the main purpose of the violence will be to give the state a pretext for attacking civil liberties. The other goal it will advance, aside from creating more divisions among the working class, is to terrorize our revolutionary organizations. And the main ideological tool that the state will use for this is radical liberalism. If the state were to use the far right to commit violence against revolutionaries, this would expose the state’s fascism; the state’s best option is to mobilize the anti-communist anarchist militants who often call themselves “antifa.” 

This radlib ultraviolence will be an extension of the left-wing imperialist ideology that the Harris wing represents; the ideology that says the anti-imperialist countries need regime change because they’re not woke enough. This global crusade is about to be brought home, in the form of an anarchist campaign against the communists who’ve been labeled as “fascists.” The primary enemy that the class struggle faces is a coalition between neocons, pro-genocide liberals, and radical liberals, who’ve all set themselves up against the pro-multipolar forces. 

They’re going on the offensive, seeking to prevent the anti-imperialist camp’s triumph amid these latest defeats for the hegemon. We in the core must win on our front of this conflict, and build a mass anti-imperialist movement amid the attacks our enemies direct toward us.


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