Sunday, March 16, 2025

Multipolarity means an era of expanded wars, & the Palestinian resistance shows how to navigate this era

The poster above reads “We carry our revolution to victory”

The coming of multipolarity does not mean an era in which the United States can coexist with new great powers, because the imperialist system wouldn’t allow for such a peace. For as long as the USA remains an imperialist country, it’s going to keep pursuing war; and with China’s rise creating an existential threat to the hegemon, the hegemon will now pursue war with more ferocity than ever. When peace is reached in one place, the imperialists will then instigate new conflicts in another place; that’s what the Trump White House is going to do if the Ukraine negotiations bring an end to the proxy war. 

With Russia’s liberation of Kursk, it’s looking more likely that Russia will be able to get a real peace, one where the Russian side has held on to massive strategic gains. This will be just the start of the larger world war, though. And to know how to navigate this long-term conflict as dissident political actors, we must learn from those who’ve been making the most revolutionary progress, even while they’ve lived under perpetual siege. We need to learn from the strategies and tactics of the Palestinian resistance.

That the Palestinian fighters have seen their numbers grow since October 7 shows what a resistance force can do when it’s been pushed to commit to the fight, and can’t afford to entertain notions of compromise. The genocidal actions of the Zionist state have only strengthened the resistance, while bringing this state towards unprecedented instability. Which has had a domino effect, wherein Washington has needed to redirect its forces away from East Asia and towards West Asia. This puts the entire imperial order in greater precarity, and when the Zionist state re-invades Gaza, the enemy’s resources will become more split than they already are. Washington cannot handle a military commitment in Gaza and Syria at the same time, and it needs to secure Syria in order to put pressure on Russia. Since Russia has already beaten NATO, Syria is Washington’s only hope for gaining leverage over Russia. And Gaza’s guerrilla movement has jeopardized this entire scheme.

The hegemon’s response to this will be to carry out ever-greater acts of barbarity. The next targets of the aggressors are the PRC, the DPRK, and all the nations which the Zionist state intends to attack next. This plan requires mass extermination, both against the Palestinians and against numerous other peoples; and with Washington’s overthrow of Assad, the imperialists are now in a much better position to inflict violence of that scale. This shows the dual nature of our situation, which is both filled with great hopes and filled with unprecedented dangers.

The imperialists are exploiting the chaos of the new paradigm our world has entered into. This is a paradigm in which the old borders, alliances, and state structure can now break down more easily. What multipolarity has done is introduce countless new possibilities, both good and bad. Multipolarity is an indispensable step towards the proletariat’s final victory, because for the workers to win, imperialism will first need to be weakened. But multipolarity also creates openings for our enemies to spread destruction, so the anti-imperialist forces must be ready to counter these maneuvers.

In many ways, the world’s revolutionary forces have also been able to take advantage of multipolarity’s emergence. Russia’s Ukraine operation has permanently secured the Donbass from Kiev’s ethnic cleansing plans, catalyzed an acceleration of the dollar’s decline, and made BRICS into the gargantuan force it is today. The operation also helped inspire multiple revolutionary actions, including the overthrow of neo-colonialism throughout Africa’s Sahel countries and Palestine’s Al Aqsa Flood Operation. These things are all objectively beneficial to the cause of national liberation, and to the global class struggle. But to build upon these gains, and combat the offensive the hegemon is carrying out, we must understand the nature of the fight we’ve entered into. 

We must be aware that we’re likely closer to the start of this war-intensive era than we are to its end. And we must orient our practice around finishing this fight against the imperial forces, however long and difficult the struggle will need to be. There is a notion, propagated by many parts of alt media, that BRICS and multipolarity will by themselves solve the problem of imperialism. When a commentator talks about the recent geopolitical shifts, and declares that these events signify the empire’s demise without discussing class struggle, this cultivates complacency. Without emphasis on class struggle, these analyses on multipolarity are incomplete, and incomplete in a dangerous way.

An example of this deficiency is the alt media’s failure in regard to Syria. There’s a reason why essentially nobody in the alt media sphere saw Assad’s fall coming; the prevailing narrative within these circles was that Assad had already won the war for good. The success of Washington’s Syria regime change project seemed so shocking because within our circles, there wasn’t sufficient awareness of the class contradictions inside Baathist Syria. These contradictions made the country much more vulnerable to outside stressors, as well as internal subversion; and this was a reality that too many were ignoring. 

A force that stands against imperialism can only prevail if it operates firmly on the basis of class struggle. Otherwise liberal bourgeois elements will gain control of the structure, and it will either fall apart or cease to be anti-imperialist any longer. The former was what happened with Syria. A crucial reason why Syria couldn’t sustain its defense was because of betrayals by corrupt regime officials, who were able to operate within a system which made their actions possible.

Only when the bourgeois elements have been shut out of power, and the forces of class struggle are in full control, can the resistance be relied on to carry forth its mission. This is why the Palestinian armed coalition can’t be bought off, nor can its ranks lose their will to fight: Hamas, the leading force within the resistance, came to power because the Palestinian masses hated the Zionist collaborators in Fatah. The elements which believe in Zionist normalization cannot coexist with the liberation project that the armed coalition is engaged in. This fighting force is driven by a pure, raw form of class struggle. By a dynamic wherein an underclass which has been subjected to death camp conditions, and is fighting for its survival.

It’s out of existential necessity that the Palestinian resistance has rejected any illusions about negotiating a genuine “peace” with the enemy. That it hasn’t sought to compromise with this enemy through enacting liberal economic reforms, or through selling its resources to multinational corporations. These things aren’t an option for the resistance, because the devastation within Gaza is so extreme that the resistance doesn’t even truly control a state. It has no way to compromise, because the enemy has taken away the means that would let it do so. Its sole path forward is to keep fighting, which it will do amid the Zionist entity’s next aggressions.

The most dire of circumstances have forced Palestine’s liberation warriors to commit to this struggle. We all must confront the reality they’ve already accepted: that this foe won’t stop attacking until it’s been rendered unable to attack any longer. The struggle to defeat the imperial beast looks different in every country, but all peoples who take part in the fight need to operate with that lesson in mind.


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