Thursday, September 12, 2024

The imperialists know a Palestinian state is coming, & they’re preparing to escalate their global warfare in response

Every day, it becomes clearer what the future is going to look like. It’s getting more apparent not just that Palestine will gain freedom, but that this liberated Palestine will be fundamentally connected to the multipolar world. Which means that the entire globe is going to be profoundly impacted by this event. The U.S. empire wishes it could turn Palestine into a neo-colony following its decolonization, like how it could do with the African countries that gained independence in the 20th century. It hopes to keep Palestinians in a bondage of a different kind; an economic kind, where multinational corporations and banks come to dominate the land despite the Zionist occupier no longer being there. But the only way this would be able to happen is if Palestine were isolated from the big countries that can support it amid its rebuilding effort; from Iran, Russia, and China, which are already playing a crucial role in the effort to make Palestine thrive again. 

Because Washington’s challengers are fundamentally connected to this project, whatever attempts the imperialists make at assimilating post-colonial Palestine will be thwarted before they can even start. You can’t pressure a country into taking on debt when that country can rely on powerful friends to give it what it needs; when it can turn to China’s Belt and Road Initiative for infrastructural and economic development, as well as plug itself into the vast Eurasian economy. This economy is one that grows ever stronger, and ever more independent from the imperialists; Washington’s self-destructive Russia sanctions have ensured this. The outcome of these events is going to be a Palestine which gets forever freed from colonialism and imperialism.

Today, Washington’s rivals are supporting Palestine by giving it diplomatic leverage and military strength. Iran, and Russia by extension, are providing arms support for the anti-Zionist resistance. China has hosted talks between the different Palestinian factions, giving them the opportunity to unify. Palestine’s ambassador has stated intent to apply for joining BRICS. More broadly, the imperial hegemon’s challengers have created the global conditions for Palestine to gain statehood; simply by getting so much power, they’ve built a counterweight to U.S. influence, making the bulk of the globe’s governments feel comfortable with going against Washington. 

The day is coming when a Palestinian state gets established, and when it does it will have most of the world’s backing. The emerging superpowers in Eurasia, combined with the increasingly strong Global South, will easily overwhelm the protests from the core imperialist countries. With every new child that the Zionist entity murders, with every new revelation of human rights abuses by the Zionist entity, Zionism’s collapse gets accelerated. In the last year, the “Israeli” settler state has seen two million of its former residents leave, because it’s clear to them that their colonial project can’t be sustained. “Israel” can only continue to decline, and even if it still exists when the Palestinian state appears, Zionism’s demographic loss means it won’t last.

Because it’s so obvious that Palestine is headed for freedom, the imperialists know they need a Plan B; or rather a Plan C, because turning post-colonial Palestine into a neo-colony would otherwise be their best option. Washington will permanently lose the crucial strategic advantages which “Israel” provides it, which means the imperial system faces existential peril. It will be unable to counter China, Russia, or BRICS, thereby losing an unprecedented amount of its neo-colonial extractive capacity. And when an empire loses its colonies, it utilizes fascism, where the policies from the colonies get imported into the empire’s core. 

To understand what this version of American fascism is going to look like, we need to understand the new Big Lie the imperialists are putting forth in anticipation of Zionism’s demise. This is the lie that standing with Palestine is reconcilable with opposing Russia, or China, and the other targets of U.S. foreign policy.

It’s this left wing of pro-imperialist ideology, where somebody “supports” Palestine while wanting war against everyone else the empire hates, that’s the optimal cover for what our empire wants to do next. It aims to unleash a new series of color revolutions across the Global South, and to start a war in east Asia. To carry out these maneuvers, the empire needs to promote a worldview that can best be described as Trotskyism; that’s obsessed with exporting the idealistic, pseudo-revolutionary agenda of its propagators. 

We’ve seen Trotskyism manifest in Bush-style neoconservatism, which shares Trotskyism’s desire to spread certain values through military force. The updated version of Trotskyist foreign policy ideology is also neocon in nature, except its core values are not necessarily the traditional neocon concepts of “human rights” and “democracy.” They’re rather culturally leftist ideals, ones specifically associated with the modern left instead of with first-wave feminism. Whereas the Bush administration weaponized the idea of women’s rights to justify its invasions, the liberal fascists of today primarily weaponize the idea of LGBT rights. 

We’ve seen this rhetorical strategy in the “Hamas would kill you for being gay!” talking point from Zionists. But because the updated neocon Trotskyism is about washing one’s hands of Zionism’s vile legacy, and waging a militarized global crusade for social justice, these tactics are mainly going to be used in different ways than this. Now that Zionism has lost the narrative war, imperialism’s trajectory is towards pretending to care about Palestine, while intensifying its warfare against all peoples who it can still harm. The imperialists will do all they can to prolong the genocide of Palestine, and when this genocide ends, they’ll shift the carnage to elsewhere.

Like Zionism, the system of monopoly finance capital is headed for collapse as well; the latter power structure is only dying slower than the former. And when the Zionist entity disappears, the monopolists will see their strength wane even faster. There is no replacing “Israel,” it’s indispensable to the imperialists. So as we see the imperialists and their lackeys drive towards new wars, we’ll know that it’s to compensate for this irrecoverable defeat, and for all the other defeats Washington has suffered. Even the types of pro-imperialists who say they’re pro-Palestine are trying to make up for Palestine’s victory, which in essence has already come; we’re only waiting for when Zionism inevitably perishes. 

These left-wing empire partisans are waging a war that’s directed at essentially the entire globe outside the imperial sphere; which means they’re still attacking Palestine, just indirectly. They seek to inject U.S. culture war issues into Russia, China, Iran, and numerous other countries, with the goal of destabilizing them and then using NGOs to nation-build. That’s the new wave of color revolutions which the Harris wing of the ruling class aims to carry out. And the neocons, who’ve overwhelmingly endorsed Harris, view leftism as a useful tool for marketing this destructive project. This is why as a communist, I’ve decided to abandon the “leftist” label. I’ll work with people who call themselves leftists if they act principled on anti-imperialism, but I urge them to cease identifying with the left as well. 

The goal isn’t to be a leftist, the goal is to defeat U.S. hegemony. And as the battle lines in our geopolitical conflict become clearer, it gets more apparent that the correct path is one independent from leftism. The modern neocons, in their Trotskyist zeal, seek to stigmatize anti-imperialists as “fascists” for standing with the countries that challenge monopoly capital. They want to reduce everything to a battle over social and cultural issues, where any foreign policy that culturally aligns with leftism is seen as righteous. This is the worldview of liberal fascism. If we can effectively counter it, we’ll be in place to bring about imperialism’s final defeat.


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