Monday, May 27, 2024

Libs keep trying to conflate multipolarity with the far right, but Palestine is bringing the discourse beyond their control

The Big Lie of the liberals who’ve been promoting the “Russiagate” psyop is that multipolarity represents a fascist agenda. This is the true purpose of the effort by these discourse managers to portray “Russian interference” as the reason for the far right’s rise. They want to stigmatize everything outside liberalism as being synonymous with the most reactionary kinds of politics, keeping the “left” unified behind NATO and its narratives. Right now, the imperialist media is carrying out its latest campaign to discredit anti-imperialist politics in this way. But the reality of our conditions keeps making multipolarity gain prominence within the discourse, no matter what tricks the liberals pull. Because in addition to the mass disillusionment of the last couple years over NATO’s Ukraine proxy war, there’s another massive factor which is creating a perceived mandate for ending U.S. hegemony: the genocide against Gaza.

Like the TikTok ban, the recent propaganda pieces against anti-imperialists are related to a desire for neutralizing the narrative threat which Palestine poses. It’s part of the reason why The Guardian just went to the trouble to talk about MAGA communism, and why Daily Kos has been publishing attack pieces on MAGA communism as well: the narrative managers always need to latch on to an avatar for vilification, one they can use to dismiss the entire anti-imperialist cause. And The Guardian showed this week that these managers have decided to make MAGA communism into the latest of these avatars. 

If you’re a Marxist who’s not a MAGA communist, you should keep in mind that the actors behind the Guardian piece don’t oppose MAGA communism on the same basis that you do. As I’ve stated, I’ve declined to embrace the MAGA communism label because MAGA isn’t the only mass ideological base from which Marxists can recruit. That’s not why these liberal journalists and their intelligence handlers are going after MAGAcoms, though. They don’t want to engage in good-faith criticism for the sake of advancing the class struggle, because a major part of their mission is to divide the class struggle from the fight against U.S. hegemony. And employing their familiar Russiagate conspiracist tropes to spin a story about fascists infiltrating American communism is how they can do this. 

We know many self-identified socialists have fallen for this story because Yanis Varoufakis, icon of the struggle against the big banks, has posted the Guardian piece while saying: “The last thing the Palestinian liberation cause needs is these neofascists pretending to support it. [Nothing new here, of course: Fascists always pretended to embrace antisystemic ideas - until they gained power & went into bed with the establishment]”

Any iteration of the communist movement that’s effective is one which has the wisdom not to amplify this kind of propaganda. I say this both because I’ve taken on an anti-sectarian stance towards MAGAcoms, and because the contents of the piece Varoufakis shared include more than statements against this particular group. It also seeks to portray the struggle against U.S. hegemony as inherently far-right, with the implication being that Washington’s geopolitical challengers mirror the far right by acting “authoritarian.” The piece says that MAGAcoms “see themselves as pitted against ‘the unipolar world’ and ‘western hegemony’, and they often support authoritarian nations that the US sees as its adversaries, such as Russia, China, Iran and North Korea.” There’s a difference between refraining from stating support for a person you’re speaking about as a journalist, and structuring the piece to try to guide the reader towards opposing the subject’s ideas. 

That the article was written with a pro-NATO agenda is further apparent in how it says that Jackson Hinkle “was booted from Instagram earlier this year – shortly after claiming in a series of posts that Ukraine was behind the terrorist attack on a concert hall in Moscow, despite Islamic State claiming responsibility for the act.” This is an utterly misleading statement. Even if ISIS did commit the attack, which it could be lying about having been behind, the Islamic extremists who carried out the deed were without any doubt acting with the aid of Ukraine. They couldn’t have crossed the barrier through which they got to the concert without information provided by Ukrainian and U.S. intelligence, which have access to the particular details that someone would need in order to gain this route of entry into Russia. And that was the exact route the terrorists took. Now NATO’s propagandists are trying to classify these realities as misinformation, and stigmatize the entire anti-imperialist cause as an “authoritarian” current. By uncritically sharing the piece, these are the ideas Varoufakis puts forth, even though he claims to be pro-Palestine.

The mentality that these kinds of narrative manipulations depend on, in which it’s seen as more important to purge the discourse of “bad” anti-imperialists than to consistently advance anti-imperialism, can’t dominate within the climate we’ve entered into. It’s apparent to the vast majority of the globe that helping Palestine’s liberation struggle is an urgent task, which means the liberal attempts to distract from this task can’t truly succeed. Everybody sees the full extent of the depravity that the U.S. government is making possible. Footage just came out of “Israel” bombing an UNRWA headquarters, murdering fifty people in a fiery and absolutely horrific scene. The liberal propagandists expect us to see images like this one, and then divert great amounts of our attention towards attacking certain pro-Palestine figures who supposedly represent a great new problem.

That the liberal media has decided to start focusing on MAGA communism at this moment, when the Ukraine psyop has failed and “Israel” has been abandoned by most of the world, makes this narrative parallel the media’s portrayals of the student protests. Pundits like Piers Morgan have hyper-focused on the language and tactics which some of these protesters have used, devoting the bulk of their discussions on Gaza to concern-trolling over these often petty topics. They’ve kept asking Palestine supporters if they support certain demonstrators chanting “death to America,” or if they think it’s okay to break windows, as if these are more pressing matters than a genocide. They’ve also fabricated a crisis of anti-Jewish hate on campuses, uncritically reporting made-up accounts of Zionists getting assaulted or false-flag hate incidents orchestrated by the counter-protesters. Now the media’s liberal wing is using MAGA communism to push a similar kind of smear narrative, except this narrative isn’t just about discrediting the pro-Palestine stance. It’s about discrediting the broader anti-imperialist position.

Just because I don’t share the woke strategy the student protesters have utilized, doesn’t mean I won’t defend them from incorrect accusations by the imperialist media. The same goes for the MAGA communists. To the fullest extent possible, I’m trying to help build a united front among people who oppose U.S. hegemony, which means acting principled on combating media smear narratives.


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