Sunday, December 24, 2023

Anxious to reverse the anti-imperialist movement’s recent gains, the feds target the dissident right with Zionist propaganda

This is the third in a series on the counterinsurgency against anti-imperialists. These are the links to the first and second ones.

Javier Milei, Alex Jones, “Bronze Age Pervert,” and other figures like them that have recently gained influence on the right are designated gatekeepers for Zionism. Their role is to hinder the development of anti-imperialist consciousness within the conservative and libertarian wings of counter-hegemonic politics. What we can learn from this psychological operation is that anti-imperialist coalition building across the ideological spectrum is a strategy which seriously threatens our ruling institutions; because if it weren’t effective, there wouldn’t be such an effort by the elites to hinder its success.

The role of this controlled opposition is to prevent those who lean conservative from following the same ideological path that figures like Scott Ritter have undergone. Ritter is a self-described Reagan Republican, and he used to be pro-Israel. When he found out about the underhanded and dishonest tactics of the Israeli government, though, he became disillusioned with Zionism, so much that he declared himself this month to be “pro-Hamas.” 

His experiences with working to expose the WMD fraud in Iraq, and with then being targeted by the state in retaliation for this, have also contributed towards making him into a dedicated voice for the anti-imperialist movement. So much so that he regularly associates with communists, the same group he was supposed to see as the enemy during his career in the military. This process in which a conservative or libertarian can come to embrace the role of an antagonist towards the imperial hegemon, even if they don’t become a Marxist, is what the psyop agents are trying to stop from happening to others on the right.

The U.S. left has already been neutralized as a threat to the hegemon, so much that the only ones on the “left” who still represent a threat are the ones which are willing to break from the default leftist circles. To be let into the activism and discourse spaces of modern American “leftism,” you need to follow a certain code: don’t be too pro-Russia, don’t associate with anybody who these spaces have blacklisted (Ritter being one of them), and don’t try to appeal towards anyone beyond the left-liberal circles on antiwar issues. This cultivation of a mentality that’s hostile towards building mass movements has been effective at holding back the class struggle for decades; but that’s only because the “left” orgs which share this mindset have dominated our popular movements throughout this time. The elements of the left that have been pushed out of these circles are working with Ritter and other conservatives to build an effective anti-imperialist movement. Which means the next thing the psyop agents must do is co-opt the dissident right.

The rhetoric they’re using to try to do this is distinct from that of the controlled anti-woke backlash we’re seeing from Republican politicians like DeSantis and Ramaswamy. Whereas those figures appeal to a wider rightist audience, and simply reinforce this audience’s focus on the culture war, the pseudo-radical figures within this other part of the counterinsurgency are designed to connect with a more particular demographic. Their role is to speak to libertarian or libertarian-leaning individuals, ones who’ve already internalized some antiwar sentiments, and bring them to ideas that aid Zionism.

I’ve talked about the way that Bronze Age Pervert, the white nationalist traditionalist influencer with connections to Israeli assets, is contributing to this project: namely by convincing people within the dissident right to focus not on class but on “culture,” and by encouraging apathy about anti-imperialist issues such as Palestine. Milei and Jones have a different role within the psyop. One that involves aggressively promoting Zionist propaganda, rather than merely redirecting focus away from the Israel-Palestine issue. 

Jones, who supports Miley and has in turn been having his posts retweeted by the new Argentinian president, is advancing this goal by framing his Zionist narratives as subversive. When he repeats the lies that U.S. and Israeli intelligence are making up about the situation in Palestine, he acts like he’s revealing forbidden knowledge given to him by whistleblowers from the inside, rather than propagating the deceptions of professional liars. Thereby whenever he starts his statements with something like “a source in the CIA told me this,” he can prevent his audience from recognizing that he’s doing the same thing the New York Times did when it uncritically repeated the CIA’s account on supposed Iraqi WMDs.

Using this manipulative formula, Jones has been selling four main lies about Israel-Palestine: 1) that Iran planned the October 6 attack, even there’s no evidence of this; 2) that Hezbollah is one of the main backers of Hamas, which is untrue and acts to obscure the differences within the Islamic world; 3) that Hamas has been “cutting people’s heads off and killing children,” a narrative that’s based upon faked videos created by the Israelis; and 4) that Hezbollah and Hamas are planning to carry out terrorist attacks inside the United States, which both falsely assumes these groups are cohesive and assumes they have the same character as entities like Al Qaeda. The effect this rhetoric has is to both portray all Muslims abroad as working together, and portray Muslims within the USA as being ready to assist in these supposed terrorism plans. This is exactly what the national security state wants the dissident right to believe. Which explains why Jones was recently allowed back on Twitter, as well as given mainstream media access, in exchange for his promoting Zionist narratives.

Because the Zionists are losing, and the hegemon is failing to put together a coalition for its attempt at countering the Houthis, it’s the “Hamas plans to attack us” lie that has the greatest potential to truly bring benefits to the imperial state. The U.S. has already lost internationally, but it still has a chance of winning the war which it plans to wage against its own people. All of the lies that the empire is concocting about its global adversaries aren’t going to be able to reverse its decline, so in the long term, its most effective propaganda is going to be the kind which focuses on justifying assaults upon our constitutional liberties. These narratives about American Muslims all being potential terrorist collaborators are part of this propaganda effort. As are the ones about Russia using domestic U.S. groups to carry out interference, as are the ones about China infiltrating our society through academia. It’s all about manufacturing consent for the abandonment of all pretenses of democratic freedoms, so that the state can attack its targets without restraint.

That this emerging totalitarianism is in particular a liberal totalitarianism, where the liberal elites within capital’s highest levels are predominantly leading the takeover by the intelligence agencies, shows what subordinate tools actors like Jones are. The far-right Bonapartist wing of the ruling class that Jones represents isn’t capable of defeating the “deep state”; the deep state is simply the capitalist state as its exists during the era of monopolies, and in today’s USA these monopolies are too powerful to lose state control to the lower levels of capital. A crucial part of defeating the deep state is breaking from the narratives it relies upon to continue operating, which the controlled opposition rightists won’t do. Since Jones transitioned from exposing Zionism’s crimes to narratively assisting the Zionists in committing them, he’s still opposed finance capital on issues like Syria and Ukraine. But he and the others in his camp have unified with finance capital on the policy of genocide against Palestine. 

The purpose of this part of the counterinsurgency, where finance capital inserts Zionism into dissident rightism, is to make for a lack of sufficient opposition towards our government’s coming war upon us. We have to combat these insidious types of Zionist lies, so that we can bring more Americans into a united front against liberal totalitarianism.


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